A few days ago, prior to Q-School, someone; a well respected highly experienced golf industry specialist, who now works for one of those golf networks, uttered that Cheyenne Woods could be the savior of the LPGA and the golf industry is eagerly awaiting her arrival. Now I usually take this sort of stuff with a pinch of salt, as the golf networks rely heavily on advertising revenue from leading sports brands and so they dutifully say lots of nice things about them and their athletes. But after a little consideration, it’s a reasonable viewpoint, seeing how Tiger dominates all media in the PGA. Now Cheyenne has the right name and sponsor, it’s just that in comparison she’s already too old and not good enough. If only somebody else was called Miss Woods.
As someone who doesn’t receive any direct or indirect funding from Nike, this is my humble opinion. Cheyenne is obviously a talented golfer and would whip my butt on any golf course, but that doesn't make her a potential saviour of the LPGA. The LPGA require lots of new young talent and that’s exactly what they are getting. You only have to look at the recently concluded LPGA Q-School to see how 19 year old American Jaye Marie Green broke the 90-hole event record posting the lowest ever qualifying score of 29 under par and with countrymen Amy Anderson coming an excellent fourth. Then you have Lyndia Ko, who as a teenage amateur has already won a couple of LPGA events and now a third as a professional. A truly remarkable achievement. On this side of the pond we have the teenage sensation Charley Hull, recently crowned LET rookie of the year. She’s the one who mashed Paula Creamer 5 and 4 in the Solhein Cup singles and afterwards asked for her autograph ‘for a friend’. Only a ventriloquists dummy would champion Cheyenne over Hull & Ko.
Perhaps one day soon they too will become Nike sponsored athletes. I for one hope not. I hope one of them or another will value their own name and morals above Nike’s. Yes the money can be all consuming as G Mac remarked when Rory sold his soul. By simply asking; who could turn down that sort of money? Well instead of spending lots of money on lawyers to get you out of previous commitments, bringing undo pressure on yourself, being clothed by someone else and having to say exaggerated claims about every piece of equipment you use. Why not just play, have fun and only except deals which truly represent you and your own values. Perhaps these teenage golf stars really can show us how it should be done. To be brave enough and wise enough to shun the biggest pot of tainted money and play for a better future.