Where To Turn When You’re Battling Addiction

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Being alive and coping through day-to-day life can be a constant battle, and for a lot of people, it is not merely a matter of putting on a brave face, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and facing the day head-on. As we have come to learn, many people turn to addictive substances to help ease their emotional, psychical, and psychological pain. This problem is endemic in our society. Many do not have or know for that matter, the resources for not only gaining the help they need in rehabilitation but to help them cope in a world that turned them to drugs, to begin with. 

Addiction Recovery / Healingproperties.org

Whilst many people from all walks of life suffer from addiction, and their needs should not go unnoticed, the largest group affected by this are veteran soldiers. Many have returned from years of service, struggling through the worst horrors imaginable and carrying the traumas of war with little in the way of support. Many find employment after service impossible and many develop these addictions during their time in the service. With little support and little in the way of employment, it is no wonder this group is so massively affected by issues of substance abuse. 

The problem is wider-reaching with many groups being affected by similarly destructive behaviors. It’s not hard to feel sympathetic for these people and if you know anyone in your life that suffers from this, you know how painful it can be to go through. Treatment is hard to find and finding effective help is even harder. There are many bodies and institutes designed for this very kind of rehabilitation, however, the AAC or the American Addiction Centers claim to be the leading provider of inpatient substance use treatment services. Their work ranges from alcohol abuse to suicide awareness to tips to manage anxiety. 

This year with the COVID-19 crisis, the amount of people suffering from depression and anxiety has increased tenfold. And no wonder, with everyone stuck in their homes, many losing their support network or limiting the one little amount they had. It is not hard to see why people turn to these coping mechanisms in order to alleviate the stresses of an already stressful world. Combating these vices may be hard and many of us are fortunate enough not to have to face these struggles but for those that are there is help out there. Places like The AAC are here to help you if you find yourself in a position where you are struggling with addiction and cannot cope. Their Instagram page features a wealth of inspirational and useful posts many of which being videos of conversations with professionals as well as former addicts, stats, statistics, and helpful links to their articles. 

If you’re currently facing a battle such as this, their page is highly worth checking out. Finding help should be a priority and not something to feel shameful of or shy away from; it is a matter of urgency and there are people out there willing to help. 

Thank you for reading!