Where Have I Been

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers! If you haven’t noticed, I have been missing for about a year. I sincerely apologize for being gone so long and for not letting you all know. I love all my readers so much and I failed you all by not letting you know what was going on. Therefore, I believe it is WAY BEYOND time I fill you in on what all has been happening.

Firstly, I decided to take a break from blogging. This break was only going to be 3 months, but turned into over a year. I was feeling burnt out and wasn’t sure of the direction I wanted to take my blogging career. I had started more projects than I could handle and it was affecting my personal life. My relationship with Joseph (my now husband…getting to that soon) was rocky and we started arguing more. I had to relieve the stress of blogging because I didn’t want to lose him. I was putting too much on him and myself. I would blog all day and night without many breaks. It wasn’t healthy at all. I was just completely OVERWHELMED.

After a few months, I thought about coming back. And then my family was hit with the devastating news that my mom has ALL (acute lymphocytic leukemia). It has been a very long journey, but God is with us and is healing her every single day. She just had a bone marrow transplant, so we are currently dealing with all that comes along with that. If you have ever been affected by cancer (either personally or due to a loved one), you are a HERO. I have been helping my mom in any way I can. This obviously took a lot out of me and I just wanted to be there for my family in any way I can. I can definitely share more about this part of my life and the cancer journey if you would like. Just let me know in the comments below and I will share even more about this in more dedicated posts.

Due to my mom having cancer, Joseph and I decided to push our wedding up. I couldn’t imagine my mom not being there for my wedding. Joseph and I got engaged on March 24, 2018 and married on April 21, 2018. He has been so amazing through everything and has been by my side every step of the way. I seriously couldn’t have asked for a better man and I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Wedding Photo

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Needless to say, I didn’t have much time to plan the wedding. For about 3 months straight (we decided in January to get married in April), all my time was dedicated to planning our wedding. It seriously was the wedding of my dreams and the best day of my life. After our wedding, we honeymooned at Virginia Beach just to get away. It was such a nice time and we had a blast. I can’t believe I am now a married woman! Whoot Whoot!!

Coming back from our honeymoon, we had to get settled into married life. I will definitely post more about the first year of marriage and all that comes along with that soon. I am including a few of our wedding pictures in this post and will write a more detailed wedding post soon.

Anyways, now that I have been rambling on long enough (haha), I will finish up this post. I just wanted to fill you in on a little of what has been going on and why it has taken me so long to come back to blogging. I am still not sure of the exact direction I want to take my blogging career. However, I miss blogging and you all so much!! I am going to figure all that out as I go. I plan to post at least once every other week until I get back into everything. I will let you all know more about what is to come as I figure it out. Thanks so much for your patience with me and for being my loyal readers! I love you all so much! Here’s to many more years of blogging!!