Where Garbage Goes

By Mythreesearches

Who knows what happens to garbage once it’s picked up from your home? Thanks to my date with David, I do!

David is an engineer which interested me quite a bit, since I had never before went on a date with or ever really been friends with one.  We had been corresponding for several weeks via email and had spoken on the phone a few nights earlier, when we had what was a very solid conversation.  We spoke about college and graduate schools, living in the city as versus the suburbs and what it was like to have brothers versus sister.  The conversation came easily and it seemed, once again, like this could be something promising.

We made plans to meet at Wine 30 in Murray Hill (talk about coming full circle).  When I got there just a few minutes after 8:00, David was sitting in the front waiting for me.  He stood up to greet me and after noticing that by 5’8” on his profile he obviously meant 5’6” the next thing to catch my attention was his infectious smile.  It was incredible really.  I don’t know that I have ever met someone whose smile dominated and made me want to smile the way his did.  Kind of bazaar and even a little creepy.

Please don’t ask me how, because afer contemplating for several days, I still am not sure how we got into it, but David started talking about his work.  He explained (even though he already had when we spoke on the phone) that he worked as an engineer and was staffed on a new project overseeing the construction of a water supply facility that will soon been the sole provider of water in NYC.  How fascinating.  For the next hour and change, David took the opportunity to give me a play by play of how the water we were drinking that night (as he pointed to our glasses) was transported from New Jersey to the restaurant we were in.  He then explained how the garbage we accumulated over the course of our date would be disposed of and eventually make its way to a landfill in Idaho.  Once again, how fascinating.

After hearing all about him and barely speaking the entire time, I had no choice but to take things into my own hands.  I excused myself to use the ladies room and when I got back proceeded to put my coat on without saying anything.  He understood what this meant and stood up to do the same.  I quickly walked towards my car, we gave each other a friendly hug and went our separate ways.

I’m mastering, slowly but surely, the art of not having expectations and I was thankful to walk away from the night content and not feeling any sort of disappointment.  One step closer and a few steps wiser…