Where Did You First Hear About Diet Doctor?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Where did you first hear about DietDoctor.com? We asked our members and got nearly 2,000 replies. Here are the results:

Making it simple to find great low-carb material

Most members found us through Google which is unsurprising. Why? Because we work hard to create fantastic guides for the low-carb related things people search for.

We are currently creating two awesome guides which simplify the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. None of these guides are finished, but you can check them out and tell us how to make them better.

Making it simple to share low carb

Combined, as many members found us via other low-carb sites, friends, doctors, dieticians, and Facebook, as through Google. This is nice but we think low-carb sharing can be made much simpler.

Three ideas for how:
1) Add better sharing functionality at DietDoctor.com ( we recently did this).
2) Create one-page documents designed to be shared with friends, families and doctors.
3) Make it possible to share membership videos with non-members.

How could we make low-carb sharing simpler for you? Let us know.

Try the the membership

Diet Doctor is 100% funded by the people via our optional membership. Try it for all kinds of bonus material.