When the Psychiatrist Rings …

By Survivingana @survivingana

When you aren’t expecting a phone call and there isn’t anything pending.

Drives home the message even more, that Dr W felt she had to just ring and let me know what she was up to. Dr W doesn’t do casual chats.

When the psychiatrist admits she isn’t even sure how to proceed at the moment and she is finding some things worrying.

This woman I have trusted with my life and my kids lives. I know she is very good. I know that she brought my daughter through a very tough time and never flinched. But this time she is flinching.

Will has been seeing her for a year as well as a counselor and a psychologist. The last two on a weekly to fortnightly basis a lot of the time. Despite some significant changes in some areas, the base level for Will is he will not remove or change his ‘end date’.

We now have an appt to see a second adolescent psychiatrist to get a second opinion and diagnosis. Dr W wants to this to help her think this through. It is also certain Will will go onto adult anti-depressant medication. This last bit really worries me. It is not a path I want to take him down. The effects of adult medication on younger minds and bodies last until 25 years old. So it is a long period of time to make sure they are responding safely. All I can do at this stage is learn and gather all information from each of Will’s team and make a decision (with Will) as to how to proceed. Will, poor darling, just wants relief.

September is an endurance test of appointments from start to finish for him (and me). It will be a big month. Pushed into that is his study for his HSC three subjects and all the other end of Year 12 ceremonies. He is then straight back into school again in late October for the last three HSC subjects. Timing any new medication trial is going to be very tricky. lol, nevermind finding more time for appointments.

So please think of us as we go forward in this. Boys I am finding, do not respond the same as girls to medications and therapy. It is much harder to get a positive response and much harder (read impossible) to find a medication that will work.