I was introduced to God as a child by my mother. I had a few other family members who were into God and who read the bible. God was no stranger within my early home life and I was drawn to him. I use to have a deep interest in the bible and God’s word and I had asked Jesus into my life as my lord and savior before I hit my teens.
I remember when I did enter my teenage years I had so much faith in what God could do.
Yet, I didn’t understand all of the scriptures and between the misbehavior of certain so-called Christians, church goers, everyday people, tribulation and my lack of interpretation to some of the bible I had a negative perception of what God appeared to be.
There came a time when I began to view God within a positive light when things in my life started to improve and I developed what I considered a closer relationship with God. I’d pray to him and he would give me the things that I asked for and I was trying to live accordingly to his approval the best way that I knew how from where I was at.
Nevertheless, there was always something within me that kept me conscious of God. Whether it was through spiritual intuition, intellectual curiosity, or a natural life connection there was a continuous leaning toward finding specific answers and making acquaintance.
I am getting to know him in a way I’ve never known or realized before and it is very real and supernatural. God is my ultimate comforter and he has drawn me closer to him than ever before. I can’t believe how good he’s been during my time of challenge.
God makes the unbearable bearable and in doing so creates a strong, intimate and personal relationship of sincere intention and reliability. God’s concern and providence is extremely nurturing.
He is holding on to me, not letting me go, constantly sustaining me in the power of his spirit. But whoever is united with the LORD is one with him in spirit.
-1 Corinthians 6:17