When The Going Gets Tough...

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hey everyone!
A little bit of a more somber post today, but one a lot of you will want to read.
Everyday i get lots of lovely people asking me for advice on things and it covers everything from bullying to boy trouble, so i thought i would write up something and hopefully answer all of your questions as its virtually impossible to answer you all individually!!
First and foremost, i am not an agony aunt, i have no training in this, and i can only suggest what i think is the right thing, and so will take no responsibility if something goes wrong or i say something you don't necessarily like.
Okay first thing's first...
Why do people call me names? am i disgusting?
This is probably the most common question i am asked. First and foremost, i can completely empathise on this, i get called names every single day by some nasty people on social media.  People can be nasty, but trust me when i say there are good people out there, you are a good person, the only disgusting ones are the people saying these things to you, you're worth 100 times what they are and one day, whether it be tomorrow or in 2 years, they will look back and regret what they said and did to people. You are not disgusting. You're amazing! Keep your head up, it gets better, i promise. If you really find it hard to cope, talk to your parents, siblings or teacher if youre at school. Sometimes just speaking about something can help put things back in perspective.
I failed my exams, No more uni for me! What do i do now?
When i was 17, i failed all of my exams. Every one of them, not a C or D, big old F's were all i got. I spent months revising and i failed, i felt so worthless. I had a conditional acceptance to university to do history as i wanted to be a historian, and i couldnt do it. I was rejected because i failed. I picked myself back up, and i went back to school for another year and re-sat all my exams and passed them all. I then decided that i didnt want to go to university anymore or be a historian. What im trying to say is nothing that is for us will go past us. If you want something, get up and fight, but also be open to the possibility that maybe something just isnt for you, open your mind up to something you didnt consider, talk to your parents and siblings and come up with a new plan. Life doesnt stop because you didnt get the grades you needed to go to university, there's something bigger and better waiting for you.
I feel so down, what's wrong with me?
I am by no means a doctor, so please go and see your doctor about this, but please try not to worry, feeling down or anxious is perfectly normal, we've all been there. Try talking to your parents or siblings about this, and get to the root of what is really bothering you, but please go and talk to your doctor as they can better explain this than i can.
Im a bully. What can i do to make up for what i've done?
This is quite a controversial one, but ive been asked so i'm going to answer. While i have no sympathy for any bullies, i do appreciate that some people don't realize just how much theyve hurt someone, and want to show how sorry they are and move on with their lives. If you want to do this, approach the person youve been bullying and just tell them you're sorry. They will appreciate the gesture, however don't be surprised if they are hesitant to be in your company. Your best bet would be to change, stop doing what you're doing and within time, try to approach the person and explain that while there is no excuses, you'd like to apologize.
I like this guy, he doesn't like me. Its breaking my heart!
Whether youre 15 or 35, we all have guy trouble, trust me. If someone doesn't like you the way you like him, you need to move on. Delete his number from your phone, remove him from facebook and stop checking his twitter. A clean break is what you need. Spend time with family and friends, really just try to take your mind off of him and chances are your feelings will subside, who knows, maybe he will start to realize his feelings when he realises you're no longer there!?
My parents are divorcing, who should i side with? I love them both!
This is so tricky. Firstly, im really sorry youre going through such a tough time and i hope that your parents are still friends. Just remember, that they love you as much as you love them, and they will be finding this really difficult. I would say to go with what is suggested by your parents, if they agree on a plan, go with the easy option and chances are your new arrangement will allow you to see both parents. Try not to take sides and most importantly of all, try talking to them about it, chances are they don't realize just how much you're hurting.
Ok there we go, ive covered 6 big topics and i really hope they help you. If this helps just one person than i'd be thrilled!
Please leave me comments and let me know how you feel about my advice and of course if i helped you, let me know.
Head up, shoulders back, every street is your catwalk.