When the Aldo Bag Takes Over

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog

It seems that my Aldo bag has been quite the busy bee of influence here in my closet. To be fair, I had the shoes long before I had the bag, but still.
See, when I got dressed this morning I didn't intend for an all orange outfit. Yet when I left the house I couldn't help but smile: My boyfriend is going to love this! I thought. Why? Well. When Fermin and I first started dating, he was quite opinionated on my style. A little too opinionated, if you know what I mean. Then one day he told me about a favorite outfit he used to wear back in high school: Orange shirt, orange jeans, and suede orange shoes. After that story, I told him he was no longer allowed to criticize. THAT outfit would always be my "get out of jail free" card. Forever. 
Until today.
But see, I tied it off with a neon yellow skinny belt. So I'm okay, right? Right?

Wishing you all a wonderful day!