When It Pours

By Nina
I'll be honest, I'm writing this blog post hoping that I'll write myself into something useful. Hope you'll join me for the ride.
Have you ever had one of those times in your life when everything just seems to happen at once and you just can't deal? Like, you're still trying to process the fact that you were raped, a friend died just a week and a half ago, you were verbally abused in public just a couple days ago, and now you find out your grandma is dying? I mean, hypothetically, of course.
And here's the thing - this collection of horrible events never happens when you have nothing to do and you can actually afford to lay on the couch watching Supernatural while downing pints of ice cream (again, totally hypothetical) like you're doing. No, it happens when your enormous paper is due in less than two weeks, the apartment needs cleaned so badly that child services would not let a child live there, your car needs its oil changed (desperately, like, should have happened months ago), and you really need to prep for school starting in like two weeks.
Let's just stop pretending this is hypothetical. This is my life right now. And it's hard. And it sucks. And I'm more triggered now than I've been in quite some time. And all I want to do is curl up under one of my quilts and alternate between sleeping and watching Supernatural (my favorite show, in case you hadn't picked up on that yet). Instead, I came here to write to y'all, and to me. So, here's my list of ways in which I plan to attempt to cope while it continues to pour like crazy in my world. Please feel free to email or comment to add more suggestions.
1. Watching my favorite things or listening to my favorite music while continuing to do the things that need to be done. This allows comfort without wallowing.
2. Spill it all to a trusted friend. And I do mean all. The anger, the frustration, the pain, the confusion, the denial, everything.
3. Let the little things go. There's plenty of big stuff on my plate, no need to get upset at a rude server or something stupid like that.
4. Continue to work on what needs to get done, but also allow myself regular breaks to do whatever else I want.
5. Workout. Seriously, it helps.
6. Ice cream. Enough said.
7. Continuous prayer. God can handle my constant swings from thankfulness to anger to sobbing. Not many people can, so I figure I might as well unload it on Him instead.