When is the Perfect Time to Get Your Sweat On?

By Heather Murphy @MrsMurphysLOF

Some people are serious about their morning workout, saying it revs up their metabolism and sets the precedent for the day. Others couldn’t think of waking up a second earlier then the third time their alarm goes off.

People worry they won’t reap the benefits of exercise if they don’t work out at the ‘right’ time of day.

So what’s the truth? Should we exercise before the day begins, or skip happy hour and hit the gym?

Here are some benefits to both.

Why workout in the morning?

  • It’s true. Most of the time, it will set a positive tone for the day. The endorphin’s you get after a workout will give you energy and boost your mood. Also, you are more likely to make better dietary decisions. Why ruin all your hard work with that donut or burger?
  • You will have fewer distractions and conflicts to keep you from your workout. I don’t know how many times something has come up during the day that has kept me from my scheduled workout. If you get it done first thing in the morning, its one less thing you have to worry about.

Why workout in the evening?

  • Waiting to workout will help with making better decisions in the evening. If you meet up with friends for dinner right after a hardcore gym session, you are less likely to indulge in sugary drinks and calorie filled apps.
  • It will help you unwind. If you save your workout for the evening, you can use it as a stress reliever, a way to relax and get rid of the anxiety built up from the day.

So, when should you exercise?

  • The perfect time of day to workout varies with everyone.
  • Your circadian rhythm determines if you a morning or night person, thus the time of day you will have the most energy, and ideally, the most efficient workout.  This article explains it perfectly.

  • What if you are an evening person, but only have time to workout first thing in the morning? Stick with that schedule. The most important thing is getting into a routine of exercise, morning or night makes no difference.

  • Personally, I exercise midday because that’s what works best for my schedule. I do notice I lack energy and motivation in the morning, so I don’t even try that anymore.

    When do you exercise?

    Do you notice a difference in your energy levels certain times of the day?