When Did I Become So Crunchy?

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
Crunchy Mom: 

A member of an increasingly growing group of moms who are neo-hippies.

They generally believe (for varying reasons) that there is something bad or less beneficial about buying mainstream products or doing other common activities in the mainstream way.
Breastfeeding. Cloth diapering. Baby wearing.  Making my own baby food. Natural birth. Doula.
These are all my plans. I never intended to be or thought I would be "alternative" or non-mainstream, but it just sort of happened. Actually, it didn't just sort of happen. I know it is directly related to my natural hair journey. When I transitioned to natural hair was the first time I started to read ingredients on products, become more conscious of the ingredients in the products I bought, and realized that I could make my own products and use household kitchen/pantry ingredients on my body and hair. This later expanded into me having a healthier eating lifestyle because I became more interested in the ingredients in food, and how to make pre-packaged type foods at home. So naturally, these philosophies have made their way into my parenting choices.
I don't really think I'm a hippie necessarily, or that mainstream is innately wrong, I just think that sometimes the old way, natural way, or homemade way of things is healthier, cheaper, and/or more beneficial. Everyone is open to making their own life decisions, and who knows what I'll do when this kid is actually out in the world and not inside of me, but I'm o.k. with being crunchy.
Pregnancy Update:
I am 14 weeks today. Woohoo. Nothing major to report. Baby, mamma, daddy and fur baby are all doing well. We'll learn the gender next month!

Are you "crunchy" or more mainstream?