When a Mentally Ill Person is in Crisis

By Gran13

  • We learned to slow down when we talked to him.
  • We learned to give him space and dto avoid making him feel trapped.
  • We learned to use short, simple sentences.
  • We learned to avoid sudden movements.
  • We learned to give clear instructions and directions.
  • When he spoke about his hallucinations or delusions, we learned to talk about his feelings rather than the content of what he was saying.
  • We always showed him that we were really listening.


  • We learned not to take control if we didn’t have to do so.
  • we learned never to argue with our son when he was psychotic.
  • We learned to look elsewhere and never to stare at him.
  • We learned not to confuse him; rather to interact with him.
  • We learned not to touch our son without expressly announcing our intention ahead of time.
  • We learned not to giv him multiple choices.
  • We learned not to whisper, to joke or to laugh as he often thought we were joking about him.
  • We learned to be honest all the time.