When a Husband Gives His Honest Opinion...

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
I recently trimmed my hair when I was on holiday overseas. I only had a little trim to tidy it up but even stepping into the hairdresser has been a point of serious discussion. My hair has been a topic of our marriage for a long time now.
"Do you think I should cut my hair?" I always ask my husband.
"Honest opinion?" My husband would ask cautiously.
"Yeah, of course," I always reply. I'm tough enough for an honest opinion ahem.
"Well... I hate when your hair is short or even shoulder length. It makes you look so much older and more mature... Like a mom."
"Well, I AM a mum! And it's my hair, not yours, why do you try to control it all? And why do you have to be such an ass?!" I retort, flaring up like one pissed off woman.
"But you wanted my honest opinion??!" answers the poor, confused man.
We have had this repeated conversation over and over again through the years. He hates me with short or shorter hair but I feel like I want a refreshing change... yet, like many women (I think), I like to ask my husband's honest opinion and get annoyed with it.
I ask myself what I would rather: The 'model' reply of "Darling, it's your hair, you can do whatever you want as long as you are comfortable and happy." or his honest opinion?
Obviously, the first one sounds perfect and is something I could definitely work with.
Yet I would also like to have his honest opinion because I want to know what my husband thinks.
The dilemma....
Just another one of those things in a marriage... :)
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT after a long hiatus!