What Will the Home of the Future Look Like?

Posted on the 22 May 2012 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

We were asked to spread the word about a live a webTV show that will be broad cast this Friday May 25 th at 3 PM. Mike Farley, group chief executive of Persimmon Homes will discuss the evolution of the average  British house as well as answer audiences questions on ‘The Home of the Future’, with a focus on GREEN technologies.

In 40 years, the average British home has changed beyond measure. Back in 1972, our kitchens were without microwaves and dishwashers, most homes had only one television, and home computers were just a distant dream. Most of us had just one bathroom, most likely without a shower, while central heating was a bonus.

These days our homes are filled with technological gadgets galore and things that years ago were seen as luxuries are now seen as necessities which means the way new homes are built is vastly different to 40 years ago. But what will the average British home look like in 40 years time in 2042?

Well, as we move towards a much greener and energy efficient lifestyles, the green credentials of the British home will become even more important. The government’s 2016 plan is for all new build houses to be carbon neutral and that means energy efficiency will have a significant impact on things like the layout of a home and the way in which our homes use energy.

From homes built to face the sun for solar panel energy, to homes which can harvest rain water for use in our baths and showers, our homes are likely to look vastly different in the coming years. So what else can we look forward to and how far have we come since the 70s?

Interested people will be able to submit questions live to the broadcast via the following web link  http://www.studiotalk.co.uk/show/what-will-the-home-of-the-future-look-like and have the opportunity to get them answered live in the show, we have sent in a few of our questions, and are curious to see if they make the cut. For those that can not make the live webTV show can check back and we have details on how to view a recorded broadcast of the show. Mike will also share some exciting details of how you can win a home worth a £250,000 for a charity of your choice to celebrate Persimmon Homes’ 40th birthday.