What to Read This Week

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Here are the books I’m adding to my to-read list this week and think you should too!

Sometimes Never Sometimes Always by Elissa Hoole: I just got approved for this one on NetGalley and it comes out officially on November 8.  Cassandra is a member of an extreme religious sect an when her English teacher requires her to write a poem about her “true self” she feels like she can’t.  So instead she dives into the world of tarot cards an starts an anonymous advice blog.  But when a kid from her school asks for her help the situation explodes into something worse that the school labels cyber-bullying and the church calls witchcraft.  This book has a lot of different elements going for it from high school kids, to the internet, to crazy religions.  I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

Parasite by Mira Grant: Another NetGalley freebee this one doesn’t even need to be approved, it’s an insta-download, coming to you for sale in October.  SymboGen has created designer tapeworms that live inside humans and secrete designer drugs or just act as bodyguards against the bad.  But the parasites are becoming sentient and they want lives of their own. Dun Dun du…..  This plot reminds me a little of Stargate (for any of you nerds out there who’ve seen it) with the Goa’uld race that are parasites living in hosts that eventually take over their hosts and enable the body to live forever.  So while the plot isn’t totally original I’m interested to see how Grant delivers it in her story.

PopCo by Scarlet Thomas: This mystery thriller PopCo, the slightly sinister toy company.  As if that isn’t enough to make you want to read it already.  Introverted Alice is brilliant when it comes to book and math, but as she starts working for PopCo she begins to get sucked into a world of deceit surrounding her grandfather’s old decoding work.  This book just sounds awesome and I love the idea of a sinister toy company.  Maybe I’ll save this one for around Christmas time.  And because it’s not a NetGalley find you can go get it now

Any books you think deserve a spot on a WtRtW post? Or would you like your own book featured here? I’m all about indie love, just send me an email!