What to Look For When Joining a Muay Thai Gym

By Thegatekeeper

I already talked about this briefly in my How to Muay Thai post, but since joining a gym is one of the most important thing to get right, I decided to make a more detailed post about it. Basically, what Muay Thai Gym you join will have a big impact on how much you progress. I mean, how can you think of getting better when you train at a gym which you either don't like, or has bad teachers? As a general rule, you should follow these steps before joining a gym:

Muay Thai Gym
  • Make sure the Sensei (teacher) of that gym has some form of qualification. Remember that Martial Arts is an unlicensed sport, so anyone can buy a black belt and open a gym.
  • Class structure of beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes is a good indication that your gym is professional. What you don't want is a gym that throws everyone together no matter their skill. Remember that Martial Arts can be dangerous, especially Muay Thai.
  • Does the gym have good student retention? If people keep going back to gym after a long time, that is a good indication that it's good to go.
  • Ask if the gym has a curriculum consisting of skills that are thought to the different skill levels. This is a good indication that the Muay Thai Gym is structured and will pace you along, preventing injury.
  • Check if the gym has a competing team. Even if you are a casual student and don't plan on competing, a gym with a team that competes in Muay Thai matches is a good indication.
  • Expanding on the previous point, what is the Muay Thai Gym's win-ti-loose ratio? If their fighters loose a majority of the matches, that is a bad indication.
  • What is the general skill level of the advanced students? As a general point, they should be able to kick your ass with little effort.
  • How good is the Sensei at teaching? I am not talking about how many belts he has, or how many tournaments he won, I'm talking about how good he is at communicating his knowledge to his students.
  • Are you compatible with your Sensei's mindset? The way he looks at the sport can have a great impact on your learning curve, so keep that in mind.
  • Does the Muay Thai Gym offer free "sample" classes? This is a good indication that the gym is professional.

Hope these points helped you. If you are planning to train at Thailand, check out our Muay Thai Camps in Thailand guide.