What Should Be Your Phorest Resolution In 2017?

Posted on the 27 December 2016 by Jennquinn

New Year. The time in which a new calendar begins, prosecco flows, we reflect on the last 365 days and start planning for the next 365. In the salon and spa industries, New Year’s also marks the slowing down of the Xmas madness and finally a bit of time to catch your breath (or even simply go the bathroom!). You’ve worked so hard this year we felt we had to give you somewhat of a break. So today, forget about marketing and take our Phorest resolution quiz!

2016 In A Nutshell

Quite a few things happened across the world this year, but amongst the most spoken of were:

Olympics & Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, in Stratford, UK

Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland

U.S. Presidential Election

On a smaller scale, what about what happened in your life and in the salon?

Was It More Like This?

Or Like That?

Now that 2016 is out of the way, let’s talk about next year.

Have you started thinking about your 2017 resolutions? We sure have. In a few days, we’ll have a list of marketing points you should consider recapping on before you kick off the new year but for now, we want to have a little fun.

We think we can guess your 2017 New Year’s personal life resolution in just 6 questions.

New Year’s Quiz: What Should Be Your Phorest Resolution?

Were we right? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us your results @ThePhorestWord!

But all in all, click here for 7 achievable salon New Year’s resolutions that can make an impact on your business in the next year.

Thanks for reading!


Kickstart the year with our brand new Phorest Academy ‘Online Reputation Masterclass’ Webinar!

In this Phorest Academy Online Reputation Webinar, we shall be going through the 4 crucial areas for salon success:

> What is your Online Reputation

> Leveraging Yelp, Google & Facebook reviews to make your salon stand out!

> What to do to ensure that your salon has the very best Online Reputation?

> How to automate this online work so you can focus on actually delivering the constant 5-Star Service for your business.