What’s Your Story? By Ursula Jorch

By Olgadegtyareva @olga_degtyareva

Note: This month I am sharing articles written by people who impacted me during the year 2011 and from whom I’ve learned a lot. Hope you enjoy the selection. Today’s article is by Ursula Jorch

I have a friend who clearly reflects her inner world.  She is really transparent about what she is feeling, and you always know where you stand.

Often, she is kind, loving and wildly enthusiastic in support of those she loves.

She also has a dark side.  When she is in her pain, she cannot see past it.  Everything becomes negative and interpreted as such, and the inner cynic comes out.

When this happens, I know it is all about her inner world.  She’s angry, she’s hurt, she’s wounded, and she doesn’t know how to be anything other than that in those moments.  She lashes out at those who reflect another perspective, or she withdraws into emotional fetal position.

She won’t let go of her pain.

The thing is, we all have a dark side.

We’re not all so transparent about it, but it’s there.  We draw back from someone who’s just said something we find hurtful.  We make a biting sarcastic comment when a kind one or a quiet word would have done.

And we’ve all done it, me included.  It happens because we feel vulnerable.

We don’t have to stay there, though.

Hanging onto our pain is a way of staying stuck.  Our hurts and wounds are familiar territory, and the stories we tell around them provide a kind of comfort.  It’s hard to strike out beyond the frontier.

Beyond that frontier lies verdant country.

In that rich place, our wounds are part of the past, what we left behind.  It’s a place where despite what’s happened, because of what’s happened, we intend, we choose to see beyond.  We choose to connect with a bigger world, let go of our past, and move into the present.

Some of us have travelled long roads to work through our pain.  We’ve grappled with various issues over years, worked to understand them, their causes, how we’ve reacted and why, and struggled to come to terms with them.

In the end, though, it comes to a point where the struggle ends. The old familiar pain is less of a comfort and more of a liability.  And we reach a point when we’ve got to let go of our issues and get on with our lives.

So, what will we choose?  To hang on to the familiar comfort of old stories, of old pain?  Or to let go of the past and write a new story in the present?

I invite you to think about it – it’s a decision we make in each moment.  What’s your decision?

About the author:

Ursula Jorch is the president and founder of Work Alchemy Inc. and Jorch Consulting Inc.  With Work Alchemy, Ursula mentors people to transform their work lives by creating the entrepreneurial ventures of their dreams. 

Many years ago, after being fired from her corporate position, Ursula created her medical communications consulting and training business, Jorch Consulting Inc., that continues to thrive and serve global healthcare companies worldwide. 

The success of this business allowed her to follow her dream of travelling the world and taking her business with her.  “I’m thrilled to help people realize their own work dreams – regardless of how you come into it, being an entrepreneur is an incredible incubator for growing yourself along with the success of your business!” 

Her message is simple: you can transcend circumstances and intentionally create the work life you want.  If you liked this blog post, you’ll love the transformative experience of becoming a Work Alchemist through coaching programs that help you achieve your best work life!


