What’s the Real Cause of Heart Disease?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
17 21:00

What's the real cause of heart disease? How do we most effectively estimate someone's risk?

Is it possible that we've missed the big elephant in the room? Could it be a waste of time to focus on cholesterol? And if so, what should we do instead to prevent heart disease?

Ivor Cummins explains it all - in his very logical yet entertaining way - in this talk from the recent Low Carb USA conference.

Watch it

Watch the full 21-minute presentation on our member pages, including captions and transcript:

Framingham and the Muddy Waters, Part 1 - Ivor Cummins

Start your free membership trial to watch it instantly - as well as over 160 video courses, movies, other presentations, interviews, Q&A with experts, etc.


This is what our members have said about the presentation (in addition to giving it a flawless 5.0 out of 5 star rating):

The world, as well as Dietdoctor's website, need more content from Ivor!
- Niklas

The next conference

The presentation is from this year's Low Carb USA. It's the top low-carb conference in the US. Next year's conference will take place on August 3 - 6, 2017 in San Diego. Sign up now for an early bird discount (50% off).