So, this is some of the interesting stuff I had come in the mail last month, yes, that's how long it's been that I've done a damned mail post!!
First there's some makeup! Sleek's Eye Dusts in Tigress and Dirty.
Since Sleek has very cheap shipping now and accepts my debit card without problems, I don't feel compelled to make a BIG order in one go. So I decided I wanted to try the eye dusts and see whether they would be a good addition to my kit. So I ordered these two!So far, they are really good, I especially love Tigress, it's a gold with a pink sheen and at 4GBP they're a steal!Definitely going to get more! I'll do a detailed review soon! ^_^
Next, a couple of earrings I got from
Okay, I have to tell you, I am super impressed with Youshine, I will shop there more often now! :D I actually shopped there just because I got a coupon for 50 off by recharging my phone. My total bill was Rs 450 something and they had a free gift at Rs.500, I didn't bother to bring my total to that though.Anyway, my package came the day after and inside was a pen with their logo and the free gift! >w<Isn't that sweet?
It was just this little pouch which they labelled as worth Rs.500 *cough* NO *cough* but still! That's nice right? Will shop there again, they have really nice stuff! I love my spiky earrings! :D
Next was a little Myntra haul, partly sponsored by Myntra and I'll be doing a full review on them soon, so no products for you to see now, except that top I guess! MUAHAHAHA!
And for the finale of Part one, I give you this beautiful bag that I won in Bharti's giveaway! She's been waiting for me to put this up for so long! Lol! I'm surprised she hasn't come down to Bombay and murdered me already. XD I was originally supposed to get a different bag but it got sold out, but then I got to pick the one I wanted from ASOS! ;)And this one looked so classy, I had to get her! She's so sophisticated! Lol!
This pretty bag reached me almost a month ago and still has her (yes the bag is a her!) tag on. Reason? I still haven't gotten the chance to take her out! ;n;
My usual bags are all big and I carry them for casual outings, this one is all small and dainty, no bigger than 8 inches tall so I'm waiting for an occasion... Lol!P.S. I should do a purse collection post one day, I have so many weird ones btw!
So that's what's been in my mail! What's been in your mail recently?Tomorrow, a HUGE post on Part two! ;)
Thanks for reading! ♥