What’s in My Bag?

By Sparklingker @sparklingker

Happy Thursday!! One more day until the weekend! A couple of weeks ago, I was whinging on twitter about the cold weather and not really feeling motivated to blog. Lovely Tine from Beautyholics Anonymous suggested I should do a ‘What’s in my bag’ post. This gal comes up with the best ideas ever! So I got all excited and went to take photos straightaway. The photo I took of my bag was fine but the photos with all my stuff had too many shadows. No matter how many photos I took, they were just too dark. I had to wait until last weekend to take better photos when the sun was out.

  1. Purse – Just a place to put all my random loyalty cards.
  2. Business card holder – I use this to store my bloggy business cards. To this date, I have only given out one card which was to my mom. She doesn’t know what a blog is but I told her to keep my card anyway haha.
  3. Mirror – I like to always have a mirror in my bag to check if there is any food stuck in my teeth or if I have food stuck on my face lol
  4. Coin purse – A separate coin purse so that I don’t have to keep taking out my big bulky purse. I store money and my myki card in here.
  5. Hand sanitiser – A must if you catch public transport. I’ve seen people pick their nose on the train and then go wiping their booger on the pole.
  6. Keys – I have a thing for key-rings as you can see.
  7. Lip product – I always carry one lip product in my bag. The amazing thing is even though it’s sitting in my bag, I still manage to forget to use it.
  8. Earphones – Mostly use it for work to block out people’s conversations. When I really want to focus on work, I need to listen to music to stop myself from eavesdropping.
  9. Tissues – An absolute must. My nose is always runny in winter so I constantly need tissues.
  10. Phone – Cannot leave the house without my phone, I feel lost without it.
  11. Hand cream – I didn’t used to carry hand cream around but the freezing cold weather have made my hands quite dry.
  12. Bottle of water (not in the photo) – I always carry a bottle around because I’m stingy. Bottled water in Australia is very expensive and I prefer to save whatever I can to buy more makeup.

So there you have it, what do you carry in your bag?

I was deciding if I should put in a disclosure for this post. I chose to because I’m getting too used to disclosing everything and also my post will look naked without one, so here it is!! Everything in this post have been purchased by me!