What’s For Dinner – Week Starting 30 July 2016

By Whatsheread

In an effort to be a whole lot more organized this year, and because everyone is always posting what delicious food they make, here is what I have been serving my family for the past week. I also envision this being a detailed account of how I fail miserably at meal planning when life gets too busy. But hey, it’s real life. Speaking of real life, I am not and never will be a food blogger. If I ever were to post food pictures for you, I apologize in advance for how awful they are.

  • Saturday: It was a rare night in that all four of us were home, and all four of us wanted to hang out together. Jim and I honored this by going out for Mexican food, followed by ice cream. It was a great night.
  • Sunday: Between a late afternoon dance audition and an even later afternoon run, no one was interested in a “real” dinner tonight. So, Jim went out and brought home Papa Murphy’s pizzas. That works.
  • Monday: I was all by myself tonight. Connor was at band practice, Holly at dance, and Jim was on a business trip. When I went grocery shopping over the weekend, I had plans to cook for myself. By the time I got home from work though, that dream was out the window. Leftovers it was. Who wants to cook for one person anyway?
  • Tuesday: When you are out of practice taking care of a baby, you realize quickly that any meals you serve have to be quick and easy. Tonight was a babysitting night, so Jim and I kept it simple with taco salads. It was not fancy, but we could pull together the meal quickly and eat it with little fuss. Perfect for when you have to keep an eye on a little one again.
  • Wednesday: Holly decided to cook tonight. She thought this Cheesy Beans and Rice would be easy. It turns out it was a bit more complicated than she thought. She was able to bring it all together though, with a little help in chopping from me, for a delicious meal. A meal and a learning opportunity.
  • Thursday: Connor had marching band practice yet again, but tonight, the parents were invited to check out their progress. Holly got home from dance just in time for us to head out to a restaurant by the high school for dinner. It wasn’t the greatest dinner, but it was convenient.
  • Friday: Since it was Holly’s birthday, she was the ultimate decider of dinner. I know she really wanted me to make lemon risotto, but we got back from dance class too late for me to start it. She has been craving a burger for a while lately, so instead we went to Red Robin. No, we didn’t make them sing for her. I wouldn’t wish that humiliation on my enemy.


What was for dinner at your house this week?


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