What’s For Dinner – Week Starting 21 May 2016

By Whatsheread

In an effort to be a whole lot more organized this year, and because everyone is always posting what delicious food they make, here is what I have been serving my family for the past week. I also envision this being a detailed account of how I fail miserably at meal planning when life gets too busy. But hey, it’s real life. Speaking of real life, I am not and never will be a food blogger. If I ever were to post food pictures for you, I apologize in advance for how awful they are.

  • Saturday: Holly and I spent the entire day at the studio for ballet pictures. Meanwhile, Jim and Connor spent the day working on the new shed. Needless to say, no one was interested in cooking anything for dinner tonight. Instead, we went to a local pub that has some of the best food in town. It was the first time in a long time the four of us sat down in a restaurant to eat together. I liked it. A lot.
  • Sunday: Holly and I spent a second day at the studio for more pictures; this time it was for all of the other dances she is in this year. Thankfully, Jim took care of dinner with grilled chicken, a huge spinach salad, and roasted garlic potatoes. He also served fresh berries and angel food cake as dessert. What a keeper!
  • Monday: Connor had his last track meet tonight, and I was finally able to see him run. This also meant coming home late. Thank goodness we had leftovers from yesterday’s dinner.
  • Tuesday: Tonight was Holly’s last sixth-grade band concert, which are always crazy evenings since we have to get there so early to get a decent seat. In an effort to getting the kids fed before we left, I opted for a down-and-dirty meal of tacos with black beans on the side. Quick, easy, and minimal fuss.
  • Wednesday: It was Connor’s turn to have a band concert tonight. Jim came home in time to attend, but it meant not really having time to eat before the concert. Connor went out with his friends after he was done, and the rest of us stuck with bowls of cereal because it was so late. Whatever works.
  • Thursday: Connor decided to celebrate the long weekend early at a party with his friends. Holly had dance. This meant Jim and I had a yet another night alone. So we surprised friends at a local pub and had dinner there. Nothing fancy, but we had not seen these friends in a while so it was nice to catch up.
  • Friday: Connor turns 16 this weekend(!), and every year he celebrates by doing some sort of hot wing challenge. This year, we celebrated early and took a bunch of his friends along with us to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch him suffer. Much hilarity ensued, as the rest of us enjoyed normal food. They all came back to our house for a night of gaming and eating, as only teen boys can do.

I am impressed we did not eat out as much as we could have given what we had going on this week. It wasn’t a great week, but it could have been so much worse.


What was for dinner at your house this week?