What’s for Dinner? – Week Starting 2 December 2017

By Whatsheread

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People are forever asking how I manage everything with such a busy schedule. I love to cook, but I don’t always have time to do so in the manner I would like. This weekly journal is a way to keep it real and show that while my intentions are good, sometimes life and all of its activities get in the way of serving a delicious, home-cooked meal and that it is perfectly okay.

  • Saturday: I am in need of a trip to the grocery store, so tonight was take-out of the burger variety. Red Robin’s new online ordering is easy, and they pack their food well enough that everything stays hot and delicious.
  • Sunday: Still no groceries, so today was a perfect day to have breakfast for dinner. Bacon, hash browns, waffles, sausage, eggs, toast. This is never not a good menu idea.
  • Monday: Yay groceries! This meant that Holly started and Jim finished making Copycat Panera Bread Creamy Tomato Bisque and grilled cheese sandwiches. This was actually meant to be for Tuesday night after the weather turned and temperatures dropped 30 degrees, but it was light and easy for Holly to eat before dance class.
  • Tuesday: Cold weather is finally here, which means it is officially acceptable to eat comfort foods. None is more comforting than this White Cheddar Truffled Macaroni and Cheese. I make this fairly often because it is easy, something Holly can eat with us, and absolutely delicious. Pair it with a salad and some crusty bread or garlic bread and you have a divine meal.
  • Wednesday: I thought I was making something easy tonight because Jim was recovering from surgery and I was essentially a single mother and nursemaid. It turns out that making Copycat Chipotle Chicken is a bit more complicated than I realized. (Note to self: when the chicken breasts are really thick on one end but thin on another, it’s probably best to flatten them a bit or at least slice them in half so that they cook evenly in the skillet.) Cooking issues aside, the chicken was delicious, so the effort was worth it.
  • Thursday: Leftovers, leftovers, leftovers. Jim is still recovering and not allowed to walk yet, and I’m too exhausted to make another full meal. Thank goodness the recipes I did make this week resulted in more food than we could finish in one meal.
  • Friday: Jim is not a man to sit at home and do nothing, so after two days of being housebound, he was ready to get outside. Unfortunately, even the short hour we were gone at Holly’s dance proved to be a bit too much for him so the plans we had to eat dinner at a restaurant were quickly scrapped. Instead, we grabbed Taco Bell on the way home and called it a night.


What was for dinner at your house this week?


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