What Motivates a Man Like Ariel Castro?

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Sex is probably the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when that question is posed. And this is certainly true in part. The correct label for someone who does what he has done is “sexual sadist,” because he is motivated by sex- but it is not the kind of sex that occurs between two loving and consensual adults. It is sex that is motivated by lust, cruelty and a need for absolute control. These last two are his foreplay and the sex just wouldn’t be satisfying without them. In addition, his taste runs towards girls, not women. But does he like them young just because of how they look or because they are innocent, more vulnerable and easier to manipulate and control?

Another element here is his impulsivity. In his case, it appears that he did not do a lot of planning before the abductions. They were crimes of opportunity during which he saw a young female and decided to go for it. His behavior is similar to what we see with some serial killers. There are ones who stalk and plan their abductions and kills- and those who don’t. What is unique here is that he didn’t kill them. Since there was no planning, it was likely that once he had used them he would dispose of them- but he did not. He did abuse them (torture actually) physically, psychologically and sexually. The behavior reported so far also has an element of impulsivity and desperation to it- as when he starved and beat one victim in order to cause miscarriages. He could have ended her life, but never went that far. Some might think this was due to some emotional attachment- but more likely it was due to a block. He just couldn’t or wouldn’t take that final step. We can speculate that it’s because he has daughters of his own or that killing requires something he just didn’t have, not yet anyway. We might never know for sure.

What we do know is what he did and what he is telling the police and FBI about those years- and we know that he knew what he did was wrong. This is apparent in his words in an old “suicide” note found in his home and in what he has told authorities. He referred to himself as “cold-blooded” which implies that he was incapable of feeling any guilt or remorse over what he was doing to his victims, which is true. This is what we see with sociopaths.
It’s likely that he’s telling the truth about having been abused himself, however that is not an excuse. There are many good parents, spouses, teachers and other adults who were abused as children who did not grow up to be monsters like those who preyed on him. He had choices to get help and he chose to have victims instead.

There is no sure way to tell if your neighbor, co-worker, friend, relative, or that attractive guy you just met offline or on- is capable of something like this. However, there are always red flags and warning signs- and more of these will come to light as details of this crime continue to emerge. The boogey man is out there and we and those we love are always at risk of being the victim of a crime of opportunity.

Stay safe by being cautious, taking it slow, saying no to strangers, tuning into your instincts- and remembering that for Ariel Castro and monsters like him- this is not just about sex.