What MATTers : Matt's STATS - Penguins Scoring the First Goal Numbers
By Kipper
Matt's STATS - Penguins scoring the first goal numbers -
I'd like to come out of my shell. I'm a TOTAL statistics geek/nerd. Thus, I keep my own personal statistics on the Penguins. Specifically, records and numbers when the team scores the first goal (since it's like all one hears on the Root Sports broadcasts out of Paul Steigerwald's mouth..... ). I'd like to share what I've compiled for games played through the All-Star Break.
Below details the Penguins' records when they score the first, second, and third+ goals of the game, for both home and road contests. I've broken down the records into home and road games, and Pittsburgh's record against each division.
For those interested, enjoy!
Note: All records are W-L-OT format (wins-losses-overtime losses).
Scoring first goal:
-Overall: 20-5-5
-At CONSOL Energy Center: 13-2-2
(10 wins are regulation, 3 are OT (2 OT & 1 SO)
-On the road 7-3-3.
(6 wins in regulation, 1 in OT)
Scoring first two goals:
-Overall: 14-2-1
-At CONSOL Energy Center: 8-1-0
(7 wins in regulation, 1 in OT)
-On the road: 6-1-1
Scoring first three+ goals:
-Overall: 9-0-0
-At CONSOL Energy Center: 4-0-0
-On the road: 5-0-0
Versus the divisions -
1. Metropolitan
-First goal: 2-4-2; At CONSOL: 2-1-1; On road: 0-3-1
-First two goals: 0-1-0; At CONSOL: 0-0-0; On road: 0-1-0
-First three+ goals: 0-0-0
2. Atlantic
-First goal: 11-0-3; At CONSOL: 6-0-1; On road: 5-0-2
-First two goals: 8-0-1; At CONSOL: 4-0-0; On road: 4-0-1
-First three+ goals: 5-0-0; At CONSOL: 2-0-0; On road: 3-0-0
3. Central
-First goal: 2-0-0; At CONSOL: 0-0-0; On road: 2-0-0
-First two goals: 3-1-0; At CONSOL: 1-1-0; On road: 2-0-0
-First three goals: 2-0-0; At CONSOL: 0-0-0; On road: 2-0-0
4. Pacific
-First goal: 3-0-0; At CONSOL: 3-0-0; On road: 0-0-0
-First two goals: 3-0-0; At CONSOL: 3-0-0; On road: 0-0-0
-First three goals: 2-0-0; At CONSOL: 2-0-0; On road: 0-0-0
Penguins have not played a road game against the Pacific Division yet.