What Makes Me So Special?

By Finallygrowingup @mordechaikashuk

Many of you will notice that I have not been posting anywhere near as much as I used to, and you would be right.

Ever since my accident, roughly a year ago, I have not been able to find a full time job. And, while it has certainly not been for a lack of trying (I spend literally 4-5 hours a day sending out CVs), I have still been unsuccessful.


I have a tremendous amount of experience as a writer, in many genres; IT, Tech, Copy Writing, you name it, and even more experience as a salesman, trainer, and sales team manager.

I have been doing the best that I can working very part time as a freelance writer, on a wide variety of subjects, writing and maintaining this blog, (with no advertising) as a way to purely help others, and simply just trying to get by.

My wife, thank G-d has a good job as a graphic designer, and then another partial night job as the same. Yes, I know that the economy is bad, and that it is bad everywhere. And I know that I have found a great new appreciation for the job of being a stay at home mom.

I once heard a story, about a man, a very centered and balanced man who was able to see the world from a very calm and focused place.  This man’s family, G-d forbid, was killed in a car accident, and when approached by some one who wanted to console him, saying “I am so very sorry for your loss!”, his reaction was this; “why? why should a tragedy such as this happen to someone else, and not to me? What makes me so special that I should be immune to this?”

This, my friends is an enormous lesson in humility and acceptance.

Yes, it has been a year since I have had a full time job, yes I have a wife and a son to clothe, feed, and keep a roof over the heads of, but why should I be different than anyone else?

Why should I be the one with a great full time job, and the guy next to me be the one suffering?

I believe that with hard work, rigorous honesty, and a good solid dose of humility, that things WILL turn around!!! G-d Willing!