What Is The Vegan Diet? | Pros And Cons Of The Vegan Diet | Fitness Yodha

By Fitness Yodha

What Is The Vegan Diet? | Pros & Cons Of The Vegan Diet.

The vegan diet or vegan diet consists of eliminating all foods of animal origin: meat, fish, shellfish but also (unlike the vegetarian diet) eggs, dairy products, and honey. It is mostly practiced for ethical, health, and ecological reasons. By definition, the vegan diet is a way of life more than a diet.

The essentials of the vegan diet:

  • Based on a completely vegetable diet

  • Ban on the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and bee products

  • Need to take a vitamin B12 supplement

  • Regime respectful of the environment and animal welfare

The Main Principles Of The Balanced Vegan Diet

The vegan diet goes a step further than the vegetarian diet. Indeed, in addition to meat and fish, it bans the consumption of all products from animal exploitation: honey, dairy products, gelatin, etc. In addition to the diet, veganism also very often prohibits the use of animal products in cosmetics and ready-to-wear (wool, leather, etc.).

How does The Vegan Diet work?

The vegan diet should be balanced and varied. Despite the banned foods, the requirements for various nutrients must be met by substitute and good quality plant foods.

Vegan, vegetarian, and vegan: what are the differences?

These close terms can easily be confused, yet they are indeed 3 distinct typologies:

  • Vegetarians eat all food groups with the exception of meats, fish, and seafood.

  • Vegans follow a vegan diet which therefore excludes all foods of animal origin (including eggs, dairy products and honey).

  • Vegans are vegans and extend this philosophy to many everyday choices: they do not use silk, leather, or wool, do not take medicines whose excipients are of animal origin or cosmetics containing ingredients from animal exploitation. Vegans are often vegans, but not always.

The Origins Of The Vegan Diet

As early as 1806, there were medical recommendations advising against the consumption of eggs and dairy products. However, it was only from 1948 - with the discovery of vitamin B12 - that veganism became a more widespread diet in society.

How does the vegan diet make you lose weight?

Weight loss is not the goal of the vegan diet. However, cooking vegan requires home cooking and avoiding all industrial and processed products. In doing so, weight loss is therefore relatively frequent and natural.

How long does the vegan diet last?

Since the vegan diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet, there is no end date. It is a diet often followed throughout life for reasons of health, ethics, ecological, etc.

Foods allowed in a balanced vegan diet

All the foods of the vegetable kingdom will be found on the vegan plate, in particular vegetables, whole grains, oilseeds, and fruits as well as their derivatives (such as vegetable milk), vegetable oils, and fruits.

Foods prohibited in the vegan diet

In the vegan diet, meats, fish, eggs are to be banned completely. In addition, dairy products, butter, honey, and gelatin are prohibited. Indeed, even if the manufacture of these products does not require the killing of the animal, it still results from their exploitation.

How a balanced vegan diet helps you stay healthy

Many vegans favor this diet for health reasons. Indeed, this diet helps prevent certain diseases.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

With the very frequent consumption of oleaginous fruits rich in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and the absence of animal fats, the cardiovascular system is very well maintained.

Limits obesity

According to numerous studies, the body mass index of people following a vegan diet tends to be lower than the average for the omnivorous population since they generally contain less processed foods and more vegetables and fiber than the average. classic omnivorous diet.

Pros and cons of the vegan diet

The positives of the vegan diet

  • Respectful of the environment and animal welfare

  • Beneficial for health

  • Aids digestion

  • The complete absence of cruelty to animals

  • Easy to follow for those who are used to cooking

  • Varied and balanced

  • Keeps the concept of eating pleasure

  • Can be followed for life

  • Compatible with the practice of sport

  • Prevents cardiovascular disease

  • Limits the occurrence of obesity and associated pathologies

The negatives of the vegan diet

  • Requires vitamin B12 supplementation

  • Can be tricky to follow at certain periods of life: after 65 years, in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Sometimes difficult to reconcile with an active social life (going out to a restaurant, invitations, etc.)

  • Requires a profound change in eating habits in people accustomed to processed and ready-made foods.

Recommendations and precautions to be taken

Can we follow the vegan diet without the risk of deficiency?

Yes, it is quite possible to follow the vegan diet without deficiencies. To ensure this, vitamin B12 must be provided in the form of a food supplement since it remains very difficult to provide enough with foods of plant origin only.

Is this a diet for you?

The difficulty in following a vegan diet will depend on individual culinary habits: it will be easier to follow for people who are used to cooking homemade dishes rather than for people who consume many products from the food industry. Anyway, if you are apprehensive about switching to a vegan diet, you can perhaps go gradually: start with a vegetarian diet and gradually eliminate all foods from animal exploitation (dairy products, honey, etc. )

Is it a diet compatible with sport?

As long as the vegan diet is balanced and vitamin B12 supplementation respected, there are no contraindications to the practice of the sport. The recommendations remain the same as with a conventional diet: maintain good hydration, have a snack after the sports session if necessary, and according to the intensity, etc.

How not to gain weight?

The vegan diet is a lifestyle that is generally followed throughout life. There is therefore a priori no reason that could explain a gain in weight. As with any type of diet and to avoid gaining weight, it is recommended to limit the consumption of sugary, fatty, fried, industrial products as well as sodas and other sugary drinks. These foods, although sometimes compatible with the vegan diet, promote excess weight. They are to be consumed in moderation.

Some figures to go further

  • More than 60% of people say they are ready to reduce their consumption of meat products in favor of a plant-based diet

  • 82% is the incredible growth of the vegan products business during 2016

  • The market for plant-based drinks and plant-based yogurts has grown significantly since 2013, plant-based drinks recorded growth of 85% over this period and plant-based yogurts by 84%.

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