What is My Skin Type?

By K @stylesocoy
I've always struggled with this question because through out the month and as the seasons change, so does my skin type.
I think it's really important to know what skin type category you fall into, so you can buy products that will compliment your skin and not have the adverse effect.
Recently my skin has become quite oily, so I've had to over-haul my skincare regime. With Boots having a 3 for 2 on their No7 range I picked up some things from the Beautiful Skin range.
Day Cream, Night Cream, Purifying Mask, Purifying Exfoliator, Foaming Cleanser, Eye Make-Up Remover.

Dry Skin
If your skin looks dull and feels dry and flaky, then your skin type is probably Dry. Dry skin can feel sensitive to the touch as it is lacking in moisture and is dehydrated. With this skin type you will normally find that pores are barely visible.
Dry skin types need moisture. Make sure that anything that you put on to your skin is highly moisturising. It's best to avoid anything that will dry out your skin further, so avoid products that contain alcohol.
Oily Skin
If you suffer from a shiny complexion and tend to have frequent breakouts and blemishes, then your skin type is probably Oily. Other signs of an Oily skin type are enlarged, visible pores and an oily T-Zone.
The key with oily skin is controlling the shine and keeping it clean so that spots don't appear. Make sure that any products that you use are oil free and using a deep cleansing treatment or mask a couple of times a week should help.
Combination Skin
If your skin has some dry patches and some Oily patches then your likely to have Combination skin.
The trick to treating combination skin is establishing which of these issues is worse. If you suffer mostly from an oily T-Zone you may want to treat that as the priority and then add some moisture on to the dry patches that you suffer from., and vice versa.
Normal Skin
If you have an even skin-tone and a clear complexion, rarely suffer form breakouts and dry patches, then your skin type is probably Normal and your very lucky!
With Normal skin a good skincare routine is still important. Daily cleansing and a light moisturiser should be enough, but it never hurts to use a cleansing treatment now and again. Try not to use anything to abrasive or oily because your skin just doesn't need it.
In this day and age there are products designed for every skin type, so just establishing what your skin type is should be enough so that you are able to buy product that will compliment your skin type. It's always worth while re-assessing your skin from time to time because it is likely to change and your skin-care routine should be changing with it!
Hope you found this helpful.
K x