What is a Gel Moisturizer and Who Can You Use It?

By Anamikadbn @Anamikadbn

Curious to know what is all that huss huss about gel moisturizer? I agree you should be, this is one of those types of moisturizers which suits almost all skin types. It is widely different from those regular creamy moisturizers wherein you have to really research a lot to find the best-suited one for yourself. 

So, What Exactly is this Gel Moisturizer?

I am sure, even if nothing, you must have used aloe vera gel at some point in your life, isn’t it? The gel moisturizers, in layman terms, are modified moisturizers that contain fewer emollients and oils than moisturizers that are cream-based. More or less, having very minimal oil content, this is suitable for all skin types as they do not add any extra oil to the skin. Further, they give nice hydration rather than keeping the skin greasy. 

Now, many of the gel moisturizers in the market are formulated with hyaluronic acid which can deeply hydrate skin. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a powerful humectant that helps regulate cutaneous moisture levels, thus if you need a gel that would also help hydrate your skin, check for gel moisturizers with Hyaluronic acid in it.

The major benefits of a gel moisturizer are:

  • Gets quickly absorbed: The skin soaks up these moisturizers, which makes them a good base. Thus, many times, gel moisturizer can even replace your primer and act as a primer in itself for the makeup base.

  • Super-duper lightweight: Unlike oil-rich moisturizers, these are extremely lightweight and leave your skin feeling fresh and less weighed down.

  • Reasonably hydrating: A good gel moisturizer helps increase water content on the skin’s surface as well as gives more radiance, clarity, and improved texture.

  • Nongreasy and non-sticky: As gelmoisturizers don’t contain as many of the thicker oils that creams and ointments do, they don’t leave that icky greasy residue behind.

But then, when you get a gel moisturizer, be careful to check the ingredient list. some of the brands’ gel moisturizer has alcohol content in it, which tends to dry out the skin. Further, if you are the one whose skin is intolerant to artificial smell and color, you should also make sure the ingredient list doesn’t contain the same.

Now the question lies in the fact as to who can use a gel moisturizer?

Honestly, gel moisturizers are effective for most skin types. More specifically, it is particularly helpful for people with oily or combination and acne-prone skin as they don’t add oil to the skin’s already-oily surface. It is a great alternative to oil-free moisturizers which even at times might not suit oily skin peeps. Further, this is also good for dry skin people during the summers when the body demands something which is absolutely non-greasy and lightweight. Then again, if you are the one with extremely dry skin, as mentioned above, opt for a gel moisturizer with HA content that will effectively hydrate the skin.

Some of my most loved gel moisturizers are:

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel

Moisturizers are formulated only to seal moisture into the skin but do not increase the moisture level of the skin. They also tend to leave an oily and greasy feel on the skin which attracts dust and pollution to cause acne breakouts.

Ponds Super Light Gel Oil-Free Moisturiser With Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin E

It is super lightweight & Non-oily gel and Moisturises skin with a 24-hour Moisture Lock. Ideal for All year-round use.

Vaseline Rose Water Moisturizing Gel (comes in Lavender variant as well)

Gives a nice smooth skin texture, gets absorbed quickly.  

Clinique Moisture Surge 100h Auto-replenishing Hydrator

It helps the skin create its own internal water source to continually rehydrate itself. Then locks in all that moisture for an endlessly plump, dewy, healthy-looking glow.

So, if you are one who is new to this gel moisturizer, you can start with either of the above (depending on your requirement and budget as well), and do let me know in the comment section below about your experience on the same!