What I Wore - Thanksgiving Edition with Incoco Real Nail Polish Appliques

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Back to work for some of us today who had off for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Since I was away during the  holiday I wasn't sure if I would have time or access to do my nails at my in-laws so I decided to use Incoco Real Nail Polish Appliques. I wanted to wear a shade that would be good with any outfit and for any occasion so I obviously chose glitter!
The design I chose was Vanishing Act:

This is a lovely gold to silver glitter gradient shade. Since I saw a ton of people over the holidays I also happened to get a ton of compliments. I really loved wearing these nail polish appliques because there wasn't really any chipping and they matched with every outfit that I wore on the trip.
And just for fun; here is a silly shot of my husband and I  (and my sister-in law and cousin-in law too) Apparently Rob was the only one NOT ready for the picture lol.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!