What I've Learnt.....

By Rubytuesday
That people are the way they are and do the things they do for a reason
That everyone has a story
That hurt people, hurt people
That the people you love the most, will hurt you the most
That not everyone wants the best for you
That people won't stay, just because you want them too
That the majority of people are good and kind
That being on drugs turned me in to a person I didn't recognize
Or like
That getting clean was one of the toughest things I ever did
But also one of the things I am most proud of
That anorexia/bulimia is never happy
They want me dead, I have no doubt about that
That a scale is not a good way to measure your worth
That weight loss to an unhealthy level makes me miserable
That I am happiest when my body and mind are healthy
That sometimes disappearing seems like the only option
That no matter how low you go, you can always turn things around
No matter what has happened in life, there is always hope
That I can become addicted to pretty much anything
That I am not and never will be perfect
That laughter truly is the best medicine
That I only am my true self around a handful of people
But it is so freeing when I am
That animals have the power to heal us
My two dogs have saved my life over and over again
That music soothes, uplifts and motivates
That writing does the same
That starting this blog is one of the better decisions I have made
That some people will use you and manipulate you if they think they can
That I am quite a shy person
That it takes time for me to open up
To never say never
That the anxiety and anticipation before an event, are usually worse than the event itself
That I need excitement in my life
That family and friends are precious
That you have to fight for what you believe in
That never giving up pays off
That everything seems worse at night
But better in the morning
That I am stronger than I ever knew
That I can now do things that I once thought were impossible
That there is always a second chance
And a third
And a fourth
That sometimes the best thing to do is nothing and wait
That life is not easy
But what is the alternative?