What I've Been up To...

By Cariadity @cariadity
I've been saving up my photos this months to do one big what I've been up to post, I'm not very good at instagramming as I have to do it on my iPad while I don't have an iPhone although that is set to change soon as I am buying my sisters when she upgrades to the iPhone 5 (I love the look of it, so so jealous). Here is what I have been up to! My sister was a bit down so I helped Harry send her a message / My room was a tip while I was sorting it ready for the new bed / afternoon tea & cakes with Leanne and Georgina who are both lovely blogging girls, only 3 of us turned up to the South Wales blogger meet which was a pity as we had loads of fun and it would be so nice to see a few more faces next time! Plus the Pettigrew tearooms were amazing, I can't wait to go back. I am reorganising my make up and beauty storage so I bought this beautiful ted baker make up bag / My new bed - am I too old for bunk beds? (my lovely friend sarah was getting rid of this so I nabbed it! Perfect for when my sister and I are both home from uni) / visiting my friends beautiful baby Ayla and taking presents!   A little trip to Swansea for Ice cream and beach times, I went to uni in Swansea and started dating my boyfriend there (we already knew each other from school) so it holds a lot of amazing memories for me and it was so nice heading back! If your ever i the area try a Joe's ice cream, The Westbourne for drinks and Zaika for all you can eat Indian food!
I've been feeling really good the last few weeks so I have been making the most of getting out and about, I'm even going on a surprise weekend away this weekend that my boyfriend is organising ( bless him! )
Then I'm off on holiday on the 26th to Ibiza but the quiet side, with my grandparents (I think they have taken pity on me!) I'm hoping the sun and resting will do me some good. It was pretty last minute as I only booked 2 weeks ago so finding swimwear has been a nightmare as I've got quite a full bust and it's the wrong time of year! I did manage it though so perhaps I will post about it soon.
Have you guys ever been to Swansea or gone back to your uni town after leaving? Anyone know what the weather is like in ibiza this time of year?

Cariad xxx

Ps any welsh or near Wales bloggers who are interested in these blog meets should join the Facebook page South Wales bloggers I think the next one will be November!