What I’m Packing For The Las Vegas Half Marathon

By Kselz @TennisFixation

I am all packed up and leaving today for the 2012 Zappos.com Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon, the first of the three marathons I’m signed up for.  I am only taking a carry-on bag so I had to pack very carefully and take only the essentials.  If you don’t already know, I love Las Vegas and usually take along several short dresses and strappy high heels to go out to shows and clubs. (Yes, I actually go to clubs.) (Even though most of my fellow club-goers are at least 25 years younger than me.) (At least.)  But since I needed to get my running gear in my carry-on bag and since I need a lot of running gear to stay happy, mini-dresses and stilettos had to go.

So what did I end up packing?  Well, besides a very small and creative wardrobe for gambling all day and going out all  night, here’s what my running gear looks like.  First up, the outfit I plan to wear while running:

This outfit consists of:

  1. NIKE%20DRI-FIT%20FEATHERLIGHT%20RUNNING%20CAP%20UNISEX%20(White)">Nike Dry-Fit hat that I wear for tennis
  2. Mizuno%20Lady%20Wave%20Creation%2013%20Running%20Shoes">Mizuno Wave Creation 13 Running Shoes – these are the running shoes that I am currently loving
  3. Long-sleeve t-shirt from the Turkey Trot I just ran and that I can throw away on the course if I get too hot (somehow I got two of these shirts so I don’t mind giving up one)
  4. Fila capri-length tights (I wear these for running and for tennis)
  5. Nike tennis skirt (this is the “in thing” now – to run in a skirt)
  6. Gap Body top with built-in bra (also good for running and for tennis)
  7. Hanes No-Nonsense socks – these are cheap and are NOT 100% cotton so they’re great for running
  8. Elvis%20Sunglasses">Elvis Sunglasses

Yes, that’s right, Elvis Sunglasses. Apparently, we will be trying to break the record for the most “running Elvi” in one race. Like you, I didn’t know that there was even such a record to break but if it’s broken, I will be part of it. And, because I know you want it, here’s a better shot of those Elvis Sunglasses.  Please note the attached sideburns:

As far as running gear that I will be taking, here’s a look at all of the paraphenalia it takes to get me through a race:

  1. Hammer%20Nutrition%20Endurolytes-%20Electrolyte%20Replacement%20Supplement-Dietary%20Supplement,%20120%20Count">Hammer Nutrition Endurolyte capsules – this is an electrolyte replacement supplement that I use instead of Gatorade or some other sports drink because those make me feel a little nauseous,  I’ll take 2 every 30 to 45 minutes
  2. Hammer%20Gel%2012%20Pack:%20Choose%20from%20a%20variety%20of%20gel%20flavors">Hammer Nutrition Gels – these are the “fuel” I’m using to get through the race, I’ll take 1 every 30 to 45 minutes
  3. Sports Watch – to time my run, I also have an app I use to time myself – RunKeeper – but it is not always accurate so I do both of these things (crazy, I know)
  4. Sony%20MDRJ10/LTPNK%20Clip%20Style%20Headphones%20(Pink)">Sony Headphones – I like these because they hook around your ears so they’re great for running
  5. Armband for iPhone – I listen to a running playlist and have the RunKeeper app going on my phone, RunKeeper alerts me every time I’ve completed a 1/2 mile
  6. FuelBelt%20NeopPocket">Fuelbelt Pouch – this is an extra pouch to hold the Endurolyte capsules, the gels and any keys, etc., I take along
  7. Fuelbelt Revenge Black 2 Bottle Belt – this is the belt I use for longer runs, this one is nice because its very adjustable, I carry water in the bottles so I can drink whenever I want and don’t have to worry about when I’ll get to the next water station

So that’s what I’ll be running in this weekend. I hope to take lots of photos to post here so, as always, stay tuned!

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