What Could Happen If You Took the Low-Carb Challenge?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Our new two-week low-carb challenge has been a massive success. In just two months over 13,000 people have signed up for FREE guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, troubleshooting tips, etc.

So what could happen if you take the challenge? Here's some feedback just from the last few days.


For me it was life changing, I know 2 weeks is not a lot of time to say such a thing, but in 2 weeks I lost 12 lbs. (5 kg) and my neuropathy has almost become non-existent. Plus, this type of lifestyle allows me to truly enjoy the foods I enjoy, although they were the very foods I was told to avoid! I will continue this new journey for me, as I feel it is the best possible solution for me.

The two week challenge was fantastic. The daily emails, the recipes, the bonus videos, all so helpful. I have never found a web site that answered all my questions so simply. Thank you.

I absolutely loved it, very easy to follow, meals were a taste explosion, especially after the boring diet I had been following for 10 weeks. Will continue this way of eating. I am also down 5.4 kg (12 lbs.) from the challenge, have got my sister following it now as well.
Thanks for the opportunity to be introduced to such a great way of eating. I must admit, it was hard to get my head around the fact of having butter, cream and fat etc., as for so many years we have been told that we had to avoid them as they are BAD, what do they know. Lol
Thank you

Thank you for your web page! I was beginning to feel a little hopeless about losing weight. I have about 80 lbs. (36 kg) to lose but now thanks to your challenge I have 6 less to worry about so thank you! I love this way of eating and I am so thankful to be free of my fear of fat! I am one of those folks that got wrapped up in the fear of fat craze years ago and it's so nice to be free of it!
Thanks again

Hi there Doctor
I have been doing low carb for 18 months now and have lost 34.5 kg (76 lbs.). My weight loss was at a stand still, so I thought why not take the challenge.
After your two week challenge I lost 1.7 kg (4 lbs.) and a few centemeters, I am really pleased.
I think your encouragement and having the menu laid out made it so easy. Well done, it works, I will continue using this way of life for as long a I live, because I know it works.
Thank you so much.
Keep up the good work, I regret not knowing this way of life many, many years ago, it would have saved me lots of disappointment in trying lots of losing diets with no results.
Thank you,

Are you ready?

Take the FREE Low-Carb Challenge