What Causes Winter Acne? Skincare Routine for Acne in Winters

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

Isn’t it strange that you break out even during colder months? Wintertime can be hard on the skin. Cold weather, wind, and dry indoor air can suck moisture from your skin. Also, our skin is dehydrated because of the lower consumption of water. So choosing the right products is really important during winter.

What should I do? What brands should I prefer? I know these questions just popped in your head! Fret not ladies, In this blog, I’ll mention a few easy peasy tips to keep your skin flawless even during winter! So let’s get started.

Winter Acne Treatment Tips

Is your acne getting worse in the winter months? Then sweetie it’s time to change the skin routine that you’ve been using for other seasons. You need the right winter acne treatment regimen to protect your skin from dryness, inflammation, and the resulting winter acne.

First, determine what kind of skin type you have. If your acne gets worse in the winter, then sweetie you probably don’t have incredibly oily skin, but you could have combination, dry or sensitive skin. Each skin type requires various treatments because they each react to different factors.

For example, dry skin needs as much protection from irritation as possible because this skin type doesn’t produce enough oil to protect the skin itself, but oily skin doesn’t require much protection as it already produces enough moisture to the skin.

Know Your Skin Type

There are four basic skin types, and it’s important to know which one you have before you try to treat cold weather acne.

Oily Skin:

If your acne actually improves in the winter, then honey you probably have oily skin. But excess oil production can be a problem for oily skin during most of the year because it can clog the pores, but during the winter months when the dry and cold air dries out some of your oil and your skin will have enough oil to be well-protected, but not too much that it causes acne.

Dry Skin:

If your acne is worse in the winter and actually looks pretty awesome in the summer, then you have dry skin. Dry skin generally produces less oil than it really should, so it’s naturally left unprotected from irritants and other particles, which leads to increased acne and inflammation. This can cause problems during the winter as the air is so cold and dry and causes acne.

Combination Skin:

If parts of your skin seem very dry, but other parts are oily, you probably have combination skin. This is one of the most frustrating skin types because it often requires several different products. 

Sensitive Skin:

Sensitive skin is very responsive to various chemicals and some natural ingredients as well. Winter air is very likely to irritate sensitive skin, so it’s really important to choose products wisely. 

Once you’re done knowing your skin type, check out the ingredients on the products that you’re currently using. Some ingredients in skincare products are okay to use during summer but can be too harsh for your skin during winter. 

Finding the Best Face Wash for Winter Acne 

Choose The Best Face Wash

As cleansing is necessary during the winter months, it is extremely important to go for a gentle cleanser to retain the moisture of your skin. Harsh cleansers that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium Laureth sulfate can irritate and rob your skin of its natural moisture, leading to the development of acne breakouts. Try choosing non-foaming and cream cleansers that contain natural ingredients and salicylic acid. It’s safe for sensitive skin and it’s effective, even when used on oily skin. It works by absorbing into the pores to break up clogs, preventing blackheads and whiteheads mostly. However, you should not cleanse your skin more than twice a day as doing more than that can aggravate your condition.

Products to try:

This face wash gives you the best results for sure. Made from all-natural ingredients like tea tree oil, clove oil & vitamin E, to control acne and give clearer skin. This acne face wash is suitable for all skin types.

Moisturize and Moisturize

When you have acne-prone skin, it is super normal to avoid moisturizing creams and lotions. However, they are very essential to protect your skin from the damages that the winter season causes i.e. dryness, flaking, and peeling. According to dermatologists, always choose non-comedogenic products as these products are less likely to clog pores. Apply a light moisturizer after your cleansing session.

Products to try:

This moisturizer provides rich skin hydration and relief from itching and inflammation which is caused by cold and dry air. It prevents TransEpidermal water loss and creates a protective barrier. This is suitable for dry skin to very dry skin types.


Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day to hydrate your skin from the inside out. You can add some lemon juice to your water as it will help boost hydration. Stay away from coffee and caffeinated drinks as they can make your skin flaky, dry and irritated. These drinks can also increase your chances of developing acne breakouts.

Wear Sunscreen: 

Just because it’s wintertime, you shouldn’t stop wearing sunscreen ladies! It is important to use them even in the winter season. The skin is prone to the harmful rays of the sun even during this season. If you have acne-prone skin, choose an oil-free sunscreen that is specially made for preventing acne breakouts.

Products to try:

This sunscreen is made with chemical and physical filters and a gel-based formula that blends right into your skin like magic. This sunscreen makes sure you’re protected from UVA, UVB and Infrared Radiation both indoors and outdoors. It is suitable for all skin types. 

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