What Are Gainers and for Whom Are They Suitable?

By Fitness Yodha

The use of gainers is increasingly widespread among athletes, who consider them a good option to increase muscles and, therefore, body weight. But what exactly are so-called weight gainers? Cristian Serra, the IND nutritionist, defines them as “dietary supplements with a nutritional composition that helps to gain weight; specifically, to increase muscle mass ”.

There is a wide variety of types of gainers, which differ not only by brand but also by their composition and the frequency or way of consuming them. The most common are shakes that are ingested once a day, although there are also pills - with less energy value - and some shakes that are designed to be taken several times a day. Regarding their composition, they usually include carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, trace elements, creatine, etc., so the choice of one or the other product will depend on personal needs.

Who is the use of gainers indicated for?

Cristian Serra recalls that "these dietary supplements are not for everyone, but are aimed at people who find it difficult to gain weight due to the high caloric expenditure they have, or people who are already overweight and need to consume those calories in the form of shakes, since they may not be able to obtain that large amount of calories with normal food

To find out in which cases this situation could occur, the same nutritionist offers us the example of “a rugby player who weighs 110 kilos and wants to gain more weight. It is probably easier for you to earn it through smoothies than by drinking large amounts of potatoes, rice… ”.

Another similar case is that of those who compete in contact sports and need to gain some weight to be able to fight in a higher category (these are organized by weights); Their caloric expenditure is already very high due to the constant training, and they hardly have room to consume extra food that allows them to gain enough weight when they have little time to meet their goal.

The most appropriate thing before opting for this type of supplement is to go to a nutritionist so that this expert indicates what is the most appropriate for each individual, according to their physical conditions and health, and the objectives set in the training plan. And it is that many people who start to play sports and want to gain muscle mass quickly start consuming this type of products without previously analyzing whether they are appropriate for them, or whether their use is correct.

Advantages of using gainers, contraindications, and risks

The consumption of gainers or weight gainers is a decision that an athlete should take with caution. For this, it is essential to analyze what these products offer in their composition, as well as evaluate their contraindications and possible side effects.

One of the main advantages of gainers, according to Cristian Serra, IND nutritionist, is “that they are a very practical supplement, easy to prepare and take and, in addition, they have a nutritional composition (mainly high in carbohydrates and proteins ) that, if we know how to adapt it well to our diet focused on training, it can become a great help ”to gain muscle mass and, therefore, increase body weight without accumulating fat.

Another benefit provided by the intake of gainers after training is a greater facility for muscle recovery after exertion. Also, if taken before exercise, the extra energy intake can help increase the demands of strength training

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Contraindications to the use of gainers

Taking weight gainers also has some possible contraindications and can cause health problems such as those detailed below, so before consuming them you should weigh the pros and cons and find out if it is a suitable supplement in your case particular.

  • Too much sugar. “Some of these dietary supplements - Serra explains - contain large amounts of sugars. Most athletes do not usually pay attention to the nutritional composition to adapt these shakes to their planning, and it is very easy that we are going over calories if we do not take them in a controlled way ”. This overdose of sugar to achieve a more pleasant taste is especially dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes or tend to suffer from sugar decompensations, such as hypoglycemiasince it is more difficult to control them.

  • Fat accumulation. The IND nutritionist recalls that “our body has a limit to creating muscle mass, and when there is a saturation of the muscle and liver glycogen deposits, the accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream is transferred to the adipose cells, where it will be stored in the form of fat ”. For this reason, he insists that "it is preferable to progressively increase our muscle mass, even if it costs us more time because, in the long run, it will be better." And is that if you do not know how to regulate the number of gainers ingested, the end result could be a loss of physical fitness by increasing the level of body fat.

  • Food intolerances. Many of these products contain whey, so they are contraindicated for those allergic to dairy products and for those intolerant to lactose. For this reason, it is very important to read the nutritional label and thus rule out possible intolerances.

  • The abuse of the creatinecontaining some weight gainers can cause kidney and liver problems long term, although this damage is unlikely if consumption is occasional.

  • Some types of gainers can be harmful to the stomach, causing discomfort, diarrhea,or vomiting. The solution may simply be to change the product because, for example, one type of protein may collide with the body, and others may not. A useful tip is to buy the smallest bottles until you find the ideal supplement for each person.

  • Gainers can cause bleeding, especially in individuals with bleeding problems, so people with hemophilia should consult a medical specialist before completing their diet with these supplements.

  • Different problems have been observed, such as fatigue, bloating, lack of appetite, certain dehydration, cramps, or headaches, after taking it, and before the appearance of any of these ailments, it is necessary to interrupt its consumption and consult a specialist.

  • In the case of taking any type of medication, gainers should always be taken under medical supervision to avoid altering the effects of the medicines. If the drugs have to be taken temporarily (for example, anti-inflammatories for a few days) it would be better to interrupt the intake of weight gainers until the end of the treatment to avoid unwanted interactions.

When and how to take gainers

The gainers or weight gainers are food products that athletes should only consume as a supplement to a perfectly planned diet. “A big mistake that is often made is to think that these dietary supplements are meal replacements, and this is an idea that we have to get out of our heads. As its name suggests, it is a supplement, and it always has to be accompanied by a varied and balanced diet ", advises Cristian Serra, IND nutritionist, to any amateur athlete who thinks of them as an option to gain weight and muscle mass.

Generally, gainers are bought in powder form and are dissolved in both water and milk, depending on what the athlete wants. At this point, some value the flavor and choose to make the mixture with what they like the most, and others use milk directly because it is a food that provides calories –and other nutrients– to the shake, although the most advisable thing would be to mix it with water.

The smartest option is to consult with a nutritionist in advance to find out the appropriate amount of supplement according to personal needs because it must be taken into account that the same product can be purchased by both an amateur athlete who is practically starting or trains only once. the week, as by an athlete competing at a high level. Do you both need the same doses? Of course not, because neither caloric expenditure nor food, nor their bodies, are similar.

The manufacturer makes an estimate in its products (generally higher) than it is necessary to take, but falling into the error of generalizing makes it possible to set it incorrectly and ends up being harmful to health. If you do not have access to a sports nutritionist, the tactic of trying little by little and observing the results may be a good alternative.

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When to take gainers

Regarding when these shakes can be taken, Cristian Serra points out that "they can really be taken at the time of day that you want, as long as we keep track of the calorie and macronutrient intake we are taking." At this point, the IND nutritionist insists that the most important thing is to take care of the energy balance: “This means that if our calorie intake at the end of the day is greater than our expenditure, we will have a positive energy balance, and we will be able to produce weight gain ”.

Anyway, when deciding on one product or another it is important to inform yourself since some gainers are designed to provide better performance at certain times of the day and that is the right time to enhance their value as weight gainers.

First thing in the morning, as part of breakfast, it is the alternative that many athletes consider the most appropriate, since they provide extra energy throughout the day, although another good option is to use the gainers during or just after each workout, for different reasons. The most obvious is as an energy supply during training so that caloric expenditure does not affect the process of gaining weight.

In addition, it must be taken into account that these shakes usually contain a high number of proteins that help muscle hypertrophy, which makes them suitable for strength training, and facilitates the recovery process, which allows shortening the time to return to the train.

The third option is to take two or more gainer shots a day, dividing the daily dose into small caloric intake throughout the day. The most problematic thing about this form of consumption is that it is usually recommended not to eat other foods between 40 and 60 minutes after the supplement, which limits many times to take them or excessively modifies meal routines.