What Aircraft Scale Fits You? Unveiling the Dimensions with ModelWorks Direct

Posted on the 27 January 2024 by Model Works @modelworkdirect

If you find yourself bewildered by the scales when it comes to choosing a scale model aircraft, you’re not alone – we’ve been there too! Let’s demystify the topic and explore the three most popular scales: 1/500, 1/400, and 1/200.

Understanding the Scales:

These scales are often denoted as 1:500, 1:400, and 1:200, and they represent the ratio of the model’s size to the real aircraft. For instance, 1/200 means the model is two hundred times smaller than the actual plane. It’s essential to note that even if two models are in the same scale, such as a Boeing 777 and an Airbus A320, they will differ in size due to the actual size discrepancy between the real aircraft.


  • 1/200 is the largest scale.
  • 1/400 is a popular mid-range scale.
  • 1/500 is the smallest scale.

Breaking Down the Scales:

1/500 Scale:

Considered the smallest scale, 1/500 packs a surprising amount of detail into its compact size. Herpa, a highly reputable German brand, dominates this scale. If you have limited space, 1/500 is a perfect choice.

1/400 Scale:

The 1/400 scale is the most popular among collectors. With a plethora of manufacturers worldwide, including GeminiJets, Phoenix, JC Wings, NG Models, and Aeroclassics, this scale offers a wide variety of options. At ModelWorks Direct, we bring you a curated selection of 1/400 scale models, showcasing the diversity and excellence these small yet detailed replicas can offer.

1/200 Scale:

Regarded as the largest and often considered the best scale, 1/200 models are stunning in their detail. Crafted from solid metal, these models feature rotating fan blades and magnetic landing gear. If you have ample space, indulge in the beauty of our 1/200 scale models that will undoubtedly leave you in awe.

A Simple Guide – Lengths and Wingspans in Centimeters:

Here’s a quick guide to the lengths and wingspans of different scales and aircraft types in centimeters. When it comes to selecting the right scale, understanding the physical dimensions is crucial.

Aircraft Type 1/200 Scale      1/400 Scale      1/500 Scale     

A300-B4 27L 22W 13L 11W 11L 9W

A300-600 27L 22W 14L 11W 11L 9W

A310 23L 22W 12L 11W 9L 9W

A318 16L 17W 8L 9W 6L 7W

A319 17L 17W 8L 9W 7L 7W

A320 19L 17W 9L 9W 8L 7W

A321 22L 17W 11L 9W 9L 7W

A330-200 30L 30W 15L 15W 12L 12W

A330-300/800/900           32L 30W 16L 15W 13L 12W

Concorde 31L 13W 16L 6W 12L 5W

CRJ-200 13L 11W 7L 5W 5L 4W

CRJ-700 16L 12W 8L 6W 7L 5W

CRJ-900 18L 12W 9L 6W 7L 5W

Dash8-100/200 14L 12W 7L 6W 5L 5W

Dash8-300 13L 14W 6L 7W 5L 5W

Dash8-400 16L 14W 8L 7W 7L 6W

Tu-154 24L 19W 12L 9W 10L 8W

In conclusion, the choice of scale ultimately depends on your preferences, space availability, and the level of detail you desire. Whether you opt for the intricate 1/200 scale or the space-efficient 1/500 scale, ModelWorks Direct is your ultimate destination for high-quality, customized scale plane models. Contact us at ModelWorks Direct to explore our extensive collection and elevate your model aircraft experience.