Wet n Wild - Disturbia

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
I have a vampy look to share with you today!

For this mani, I used Wet n Wild Disturbia as a base.  On my middle finger, I added two coats of Cult Nails Afterglow, a bronze shimmer topper.  On my pinky, I added two coats of Freak Show Polish Gypsy, a sheer purple base with purple and bronze glitters.  I also stamped an image from the Cici & Sisi 04 stamping plate on my index and middle fingers.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

I absolutely loved this combo!  Though it's a darker look, it was still a lot of fun.  What do you guys think of these polishes?  Did you ever pick up Disturbia?