Weleda Skin Food

By Julianne @julianneinjune

A few months back while on one of my favorite sites, Refinery 29, I came across an article full of products that are said to be some of the pro's favorites.  Having a peak at a group of cult products is too good to pass up so of course I had to have a look.  (Check out the article here)
Cue in this little guy, Weleda Skin Food which was said to be used on models' faces to combat any dryness without upsetting the skin.  It's a thick, creamy all natural product that can be used anywhere you have dry skin such as hands, feet, elbows and knees.  It's pretty thick and takes a good while to sink in but once it does your skin is happy and hydrated :)
What are some of your favorite natural skin care products??