Welcoming the New Hire

Posted on the 29 October 2014 by Hr Success Guide @HRSuccessGuide

Author: Antony Xavier

It’s always challenging to hire the best fit and more challenging to retain. People come with a dream and & want to work with great people & Want to belong to a great organization they work. How you welcome a new employee on their first day can have a huge impact on their future performance. First impression always counts, so let's make sure they feel important! The first day in a new role or at a new work place is always an interesting & memorable experience. The way they are welcomed and treated by the organization can tell a lot about the company's Culture and people.
It is very important to make the new hire as a part of the family and one should not forget that retention starts from the day of employee joining and not when the employee quits. The Welcome process for the new hire has to be done proactively a week before the employee joins the organization. More time has to be spent on communication rather than just filling the paper work on the first day.
I would like to share few HR best practices that create a WOW factor for the new hire.
Orientation: Have a schedule planned for their first week and talk through it with them on the first day. Arrange meetings with each Functional heads to say few words about their department activity.
Employee hand Book: Provide Employee hand book containing the Organization details, Basic Policies & Procedures, Guidelines,
HR Kit: The HR Kit should contain the following and should be given to him on the day of joining Visiting Card, Note Pad, Welcome Letter (signed by the CHRO), Pen, ID Card, Employee handbook and a chocolate. Brochure and a card carrying the vision and mission of the company. In case of Sales hire the Incentive Structure & a desk calendar.
Welcome On board: Mail has to be sent as an announcement to all the employees in the company welcoming the new employee.
Welcome Card: The employee has to carry a pin or a ribbon that identifies him as a new comer.
Hi-Five: Tour of the employee around the office.
Buddy: Assign a buddy or a mentor for new hire. It is very important for them to stay in close contact with the new starter to make sure any of their issues are attended to, and that they are busy and productive. These are just a few ideas, but a lot more can be done to keep the team more intact and I am sure these few best practices by creating trust & transparency in the organization helps to retain and attract new talents through referrals. Click Here for the latest articles by the Author.