Welcome to the New Diet Doctor Site!

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Does this site look different today? You're not imagining it, we just launched a major ongoing redesign.

For a long time you have told us that it's too hard to find what you are looking for at DietDoctor. The purpose of the redesign is to make it MUCH easier to find the most important content. Thus we've moved the blog away from the Diet Doctor homepage. Instead we devote the main page to links to our best content, so that it's easy to find.

To find the blog, press "news" in the brand new top menu. There you can also always find links to the blog news page, etc., in the top right corner.

We're also working on massive redesigns, additions and improvements on our main pages, like those about LCHF, Weight Loss and Diabetes. These updates will go live as soon as they are ready.

Remember this redesign is very much a work in progress. We launch it now fully aware that everything is not perfect yet. We'll keep improving everything as fast as we can.

Please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions in the comments below.

What do you think about the new site? Is anything not working right? Do you have any improvements you'd like to suggest?