Weight Loss Journey: Week One

By Beautybliss @BeautyBliss14

Dieting has always been a big enemy of mine, I really don’t get it.  It seems that to keep the “perfect” size that you have gained through a ridiculously strict eating regime, you have to stick with it, continuously. I would personally rather be a bit overweight and happy, than have a great body but a terrible mood, lack of energy and pure boredom from not being able to treat yourself. Life is a bit too short for that.

Of course, I still want to have a healthy body, who doesn’t? I just don’t agree with any type of diet, no matter what it is. I just don’t think they work, at least not for long anyway. I felt like I would never really lose any weight with that opinion, and exercise alone wouldn’t quite cut it, if I continued to eat the way I did.

I decided to try something completely different, and seeing as it worked well for my Mum (she lost 5 stone in a year), I thought I might as well give it a go. Paul McKenna, uses the concept of reprogramming your mind to have a completely different relationship with food. His book and CD help to allow your brain to really think about when you are hungry, to eat slowly, concentrate on chewing and enjoying every mouthful and to stop when you are beginning to or feel full. Sounds simple, but it makes a heck of a lot of difference to your body! I decided after reading the book, it wasn’t programmed into my mind enough, so I listened to the CD. It basically allows you to get into a relaxed state, so you can really absorb in what he is telling you to do. It’s all about confidence and seeing yourself in that ideal body you dream of, and really feeling the pleasure you would feel when you reach that goal.

Doing this, helps to stop those cravings that we all get, some more than others (me, I’m a right greedy pig!). Instead of turning to food as your comfort when you are having a bad day, he helps you to reprogram your mind to think about the intense happiness you would feel being a slimmer you. I have listened to the CD twice now before bed, and it’s actually already beginning to work. I sound like a sales pitch here, but it genuinely is a blooming good way to get slim, without eating like a rabbit constantly and feeling genuinely bored with every meal you eat. With this, you can eat what you want as long as you really are hungry. Very appealing to a chocoholic like myself.

I have already started consciously eating, instead of shoveling my food down without really taking the time to enjoy it. So, I figured it might be interesting to do weekly updates of how it’s going and maybe it will help some of you out there who also struggle with dieting and want to get slimmer for the summer.

I know, as much as the next person how hard it is to stick to something and really work hard to get that slender and toned body. Sometimes, I have those days where I’m like “meh, I’ll eat better tomorrow”  and then eat my weight in food. But, with this I will make sure I do it….in fact, I can do it!

So far, it’s going well!