Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes Reversal on Low Carb – is It Sustainable?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

A week ago, the fantastic Low Carb Denver conference wrapped up. Here's our second posted presentation, after Gary Taubes', and this one is with me.

Can a low-carb or keto diet work long term? Can it help people lose weight and maintain the weight loss? Can type 2 diabetes be reversed long term?

Often people say that, sure, low carb works great, but only short term. For long term effects, studies tend to be less impressive. However, there's a key misunderstanding behind this, that needs to be sorted out.

In this presentation, I go through the scientific and anecdotal evidence, and also what clinical experience tends to show, regarding the long-term effects of low carb.

Transcript - preview above

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt: Let's say you hear about this new thing called showering and you hear that you will get really clean if you shower and you try it. Wow, you get clean. But then you stop showering and you're not so clean anymore.

Watch a part of our presentation above ( transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership:

Weight loss and type 2 diabetes reversal on low carb - is it sustainable? - Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt

More videos from the Low Carb Denver conference is coming, but for now, check out our recorded livestream featuring all the presentations, for members (Join free for a month):

Low Carb Denver 2019 livestream

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