Weekly Love #2 - Tarte LipSurgence in Hope

By Natalieroseanne @clutzyprincess
Hey guys! Today is my second installment of my weekly love series. I really have found a love for lip products at the minute. They are definitely what I'm admiring and craving.PhotobucketPhotobucketThis week I'm loving a lip product from Tarte, the LipSurgence in the shade Hope. Their LipSurgence are natural lip tints and this particular one it a matte finish.PhotobucketIt looks a really gorgeous deep red/pink colour, and swatches dark as well. However, once of the lips it looks so natural, especially with the matte finish.It lasts so long, and is really light on the lips (so you don't even realize you are wearing it). It has quite a strong menthol smell, that I found a lot of lip tints have, but it isn't too overpowering and it just gives your lips a refreshing feel when applied.I really love this lip tint, and I was so lucky to receive it in my Canadian swap. I've since admired more of the shades on the Tarte website and I have to say that I love their color range, they have 6 matte finishes and 7 glossy finishes. I just wish I was in the US/Canada to get more! Thank you for reading!Natalie Roseanne <3