Weekly Full Body Workout Program – Part I

By Spunder

If you are thinking of joining the gym or you just joined the gym and looking for some suggestions for a weekly full body workout program, you are in luck because in this article I am presenting one of my personal weekly workout program.

You shoud try several full body workout plans in a given time frame as you need to experiment and discover which one fits you better. Perhaps you might have noticed that even if you are working as hard as your colleagues or friends and following the same workout plan, they are gaining more muscles than you. You are asking your self what is wrong? It may nof be for you that certain workout plan.

1) Full Body Workout Program – Monday

On the first day of the week I like to work my back and my shoulder because the gym I attend is getting pretty crowded on Mondays and there is are a lot ot options to work out my back and my shoulders.

Back Exercises

Deadlifts - 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Pull Ups -  3 Series – Maximum

T-Bar Row - 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Seated Cable Row - 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Shoulder Exercises

Dumbbell Press - 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Dumbbell  Lateral Raise  - 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Dumbbell Straight-Arm Front Deltoid Raise – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug -  Use a heavy weight and do 3 series with as many reps as possible

2) Full Body Workout Program – Wednesday

On this day I like to work my arms. This means I am working out my biceps and my triceps. Some time ago I was working by mixing exercises for my biceps with exercises for my triceps something like this: one series for biceps, one for triceps, 4 series each. The results are fantastic, you simply feel your arms exploding, like your muscles does not fit in your skin. Definetly it is more intens then working each muscle group separately.

Biceps Exercises

Barbell Curl – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Cable Hammer Curls – Rope Attachment – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Concentration Curls – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Triceps exercises

Lying Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Press To Chin – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Normal Grip Triceps Pushdown – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension – 3 Series – 6-10 Repetitions

Push-Ups – Close Triceps Position – 3 Series – As much as possible repetitions

Usually I do my warm-up with a small weight, to get the muscles working and to increase my pulse. After that I start with a weight with which I can do up to 15 reps and then I graduatelly increase until the 4th series when I can only do 5-6 repetitions.

Remember to breath while you are performing the exercises. Your muscles need oxygen while working out.

If you are just starting working out, take it slowly, do not force your self too much as you will not build muscles in one day.

Good luck.