Weekend Snapshots {6/16/14}

By Healthlovechoc

I hope all the fathers out there had a wonderful Father’s Day. I spent the holiday with both my dad and my grandpa, so there was plenty of fatherly love to go around. It was also the boy’s birthday, so there was a lot of celebrating happening this weekend. Here are the snapshots!

Chest workout in my Chase Infinite shirt which I adore. I mentioned this before, but if you’d like to buy a tank you can use the code “fitness” at checkout for 20% off. This company has an amazing mission and donates 1 dollar from each sale to charity.

Try the seasonal flavor of Siggi’s. Just do it. I am a plain yogurt lover, but this was so delicious.

Scenes from my local corner produce shop. Hello, massive jackfruit.

My favorite combo. Fruit, nut butter, and chocolate.

I made trail mix into cereal. Because everyone does that, right?

Oh, and I had real cereal. I finally tried the Love Grown Foods Power Os thanks to a sample in my Blend swag. I loved the chocolate flavor, they were such a Cheerios throwback!

More Blend swag. Raspberry coconut Simply Protein Crunch, chocolate chips, and nanner.

And even more Blend swag. Healthy bites made with Growing Naturals brown rice protein and Nuttzo. I made mine peach orange and left out the coconut. No one does it like Lindsay though. And my sample packs of Nuttzo reminded me how addicting it is and I may have ordered a whole jar that is en route to me now.

I finally tried crossfit.

I had fun at the class, but what I enjoyed even more was the open gym time after. Obviously I just like doing my own thing. I will definitely be back occasionally though. Plus they have Paleo Treats

It was leg day the day before so by Sunday every single body part was sore.

Appetizer spread at dinner photo bombed by the hyper pup.

BYOS movie night. Because bring your own snacks is a thing. We saw The Fault in our Stars. I liked it but I didn’t cry. Don’t hate me.

Birthday doughnuts. I made another recipe from Ashley’s cookbook and I’d say it was pretty successful. The boy is a happy camper when gluten free baked goods are involved.

Birthday cake. Definitely not gluten free.

Bison burger salad from The Counter.

Drooling over chocolate flavors.

Iced almond milk chai and computer work.

The return of farmers market Sunday.

And of gluten free blueberry muffins.

Flowers for my apartment.

We celebrated Father’s Day at my grandfathers house. This is where I get my wino side from. Thanks daddy.

Chicken and veggies for me.

Now if only I could eat my uncle’s cronut…

We also celebrated my birthday a bit early (it’s at the end of the month). My parents know my foodie self so well and gave me dark chocolate, pickles, raw honey, and tea.

And this book. I’m intrigued already.

Happy Monday!