Weekend's Art: Izziyana Suhaimi

By Annashahira @annashahira

Stumbled upon Izzy's artwork through Geri Hirsch's blog and thought it would be a great idea if I could feature her work on my blog. She said yes! Her embroidered drawings are amazing. I absolutely love. You will too. They are very inspiring. You can click on 'view post' to continue reading the interview.
1. Can you give us a little bit of your background?
Hello! My name is Izziyana Suhaimi. I love to read.
2. Did anything in particular make you go into art?
Other than not wanting to work a desk job from 9 to 5, I just love making things and finding ways to express my ideas and stories.

3. What inspires you?
Oh, it could be anything! I love books, I get a lot of inspiration while reading. I also love words, so lyrics, poetry… things that trigger visuals in my brain and gets my heart beating! From everyday life, from talking to people, from day dreaming.
4. How do you work?
I usually have an image in my head that I try to express into reality, and kinda figure out what that is about, which involves a lot of research and soul-searching (haha). But lately, I seem to work the other way round, with a concept in mind and finding ways to express that.
5. Which piece of work are you most proud of?
That’s a tough one! I am quite attached to all of my works, even the bad ones, they all represent a journey and I can remember how my life was like and what I was thinking and feeling when making the work. They become like diary entries, in a sense.

6. Where can we purchase your work?
At the moment, through me!
7. What are you up to right now?
So many things! I am working in a gallery and I’m also still doing my own projects on the side, collaborations (I love collaborations). Currently everything’s sort of vague and just kind of up in the air, but I am enjoying it. I am also trying to find time to sleep and read, to have some quiet time.
8. What time is it now?
It is 4:34 pm.
9. Anything else we should know?
Well, you can see more of my works at http://my-bones.tumblr.com. Keep a look out for new things! I feel that my work is changing directions, so I’m very excited to see what happens!
images via Izziyana Suhaimi

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