Weekend Recap

By Heathernichole
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been going through a lot lately. I don’t want to go into details but I do want you all to know that I am still busting my butt and I’m not letting my emotions affect my calorie intake. In the past, I would have eaten my feelings. I would have skipped workouts and chose to stay in bed. Not this time. I’m trying to prove to myself how strong I am.
I want to reach my goal of losing twenty-eight pounds before my twenty-eighth birthday more than anything. I’m not going to let my pain or my stress come in between me and that goal.
Saturday, I spent some much needed time with my family. I was able to get in a workout before I left for home (and when I say home, I mean my parents’ house). I ended up in Costa Mesa with my brother and sister-in-law at Sidecar Doughnuts. My brother insisted I try one of their donuts. I am not a huge fan of donuts. I’m more of a cupcake fan but I made the decision to have one because you know, IIFYM. I went for the jelly filled one and it was delicious. I also brought three home for my boyfriend – a maple bacon, peanut butter & jelly and salted caramel. He liked them all but the maple bacon was his favorite.

My brother also took me to Whole Foods, my favorite store. I can't wait for the Palm Desert Whole Foods to open this week. I will be there all the time! I just love walking around there and being in that environment. We walked around for a while and I bought a couple things, including Earth Balance Vegan Cheddar Squares and Earth Balance Vegan Macaroni and Cheese. I’ve been wanting to try both of those items for a while now.

On Sunday my boyfriend finally had the day off, his first in two weeks, so we just laid low. I took a rest day but it was definitely an active rest day. We ran errands and I did tons of walking. The evening was filled with Netflix and homemade healthy nachos for dinner.

Today I got in a workout and I took some progress pictures. I ran a mile on the treadmill and then I did chest. I felt really strong while running. Even though it was only one mile, I made sure it was a good one.

I’m really trying to do a pull up. That’s my next goal. My boyfriend says I just have to keep trying and eventually I’ll be able to do it. At this point, I can’t even imagine doing one, that’s how far gone I am. But I used to say “I’m dying” when I’d try running for a minute so I’m not doubting myself. I know I can do it eventually. I just have to keep working at it.

I hope you all have an amazing week. Let’s make it a great one and try not to forget about your goals. You have to put your health first. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary.